snipar.scripts.simulate module

Simulates genotype-phenotype data using forward simulation. Phenotypes can be affected by direct genetic effects, indirect genetic effects (vertical transmission), and assortative mating.

‘-h’, ‘–help’, default===SUPPRESS==

show this help message and exit

: int

Number of causal loci

: float

Heritability due to direct effects in first generation

: str

Prefix for simulation output files


Address of the phased genotypes in .bgen format. If there is a @ in the address, @ is replaced by the chromosome numbers in the range of chr_range for each chromosome (chr_range is an optional parameters for this script).


number of the chromosomes to be imputed. Should be a series of ranges with x-y format or integers.


Number of families to simulate. If inputting bgen and not given, will be one half of samples in bgen

‘–min_maf’float, default=0.05

Minimum minor allele frequency for simulated genotyped, which will be simulted from density proportional to 1/x


Minor allele frequency for simulated genotypes (not needed when providing bgen files)


Number of generations of random mating


Number of generations of assortative mating


Phenotypic correlation of parents (for assortative mating)


Variance explained by parental indirect genetic effects as a fraction of the heritability, e.g 0.5


Correlation between direct and indirect genetic effects


Vertical transmission coefficient


Save the genotypes of the parents of the final generation


Impute parental genotypes from phased sibling genotypes & IBD


Impute parental genotypes from unphased sibling genotypes & IBD


genotype data in .bed format; full pedigree including phenotype and genetic components for all generations


“Calling this function with args is equivalent to running this script from commandline with the same arguments. Args:

args: list

list of all the desired options and arguments. The possible values are all the values you can pass this script from commandline.