snipar.scripts.pgs module

Infers direct effects, non-transmitted coefficients (NTCs), and population effects of a PGS on a phenotype.

Minimally: the script requires observed genotypes on individuals and their parents, and/or parental genotypes imputed by snipar’s script, along with a SNP weights file.

‘-h’, ‘–help’, default===SUPPRESS==

show this help message and exit

: str

Prefix for computed PGS file and/or regression results files


Address of the phased genotypes in .bgen format. If there is a @ in the address, @ is replaced by the chromosome numbers in the range of chr_range for each chromosome (chr_range is an optional parameters for this script).


Address of the unphased genotypes in .bed format. If there is a @ in the address, @ is replaced by the chromosome numbers in the range of chr_range for each chromosome (chr_range is an optional parameters for this script).


Address of hdf5 files with imputed parental genotypes (without .hdf5 suffix). If there is a @ in the address, @ is replaced by the chromosome numbers in the range of chr_range (chr_range is an optional parameters for this script).


number of the chromosomes to be imputed. Should be a series of ranges with x-y format or integers.


Address of pedigree file. Must be provided if not providing imputed parental genotypes.


Location of the PGS allele weights

‘–SNP’str, default=SNP

Name of column in weights file with SNP IDs

‘–beta_col’str, default=b

Name of column with betas/weights for each SNP

‘–A1’str, default=A1

Name of column with allele beta/weights are given with respect to

‘–A2’str, default=A2

Name of column with alternative allele


Column separator in weights file. If not provided, an attempt to determine this will be made.


Location of the phenotype file


Location of the pre-computed PGS file


Path to file with covariates: plain text file with columns FID, IID, covar1, covar2, ..


Fit indirect effects from siblings


Use the sum of maternal and paternal PGS in the regression (useful when imputed from sibling data alone)


Calculate imputed/observed grandparental PGS for individuals with both parents genotyped


Use the sum of maternal grandparents and the sum of paternal grandparents in the regression (useful when no grandparents genotyped)

‘–gen_models’, default=1-2

Which multi-generational models should be fit. Default fits 1 and 2 generation models. Specify a range by, for example, 1-3, where 3 fits a model with parental and grandparental scores


Provide heritability estimate in form h2f,h2f_SE (e.g. 0.5,0.01) from MZ-DZ comparison, RDR, or sibling realized relatedness. If provided when also fitting 2 generation model, will adjust results for assortative mating assuming equilibrium.


Provide estimate of the correlation between parents PGIs in the form rk,rk_SE (e.g 0.1,0.01). If provided with h2f, will use for adjusting estimates for assortative mating.


Restrict sample to those with both parents genotyped

‘–phen_index’int, default=1

If the phenotype file contains multiple phenotypes, which phenotype should be analysed (default 1, first)


Path to KING IBD segment inference output (without .seg prefix).

‘–sparse_thresh’float, default=0.05

Threshold of GRM/IBD sparsity


Scale the phenotype to have variance 1


Scale the PGS to have variance 1 among the phenotyped individuals


Compute PGS for control families (default False)

‘–missing_char’str, default=NA

Missing value string in phenotype file (default NA)


Do not adjust imputed parental PGSs for assortative mating


Force assortative mating adjustment even when estimated correlation is noisy/not significant

‘–threads’int, default=1

Number of threads to use

‘–batch_size’int, default=10000

Batch size for reading in SNPs (default 10000)

PGS file

Output when inputting observed and imputed genotype files and a weights file. A file with PGS values for each individual and their parents, with suffix .pgs.txt. Also includes sibling PGS if –fit_sib is specified, and grandparental PGS if –grandpar is specified.

PGS effect estimates

Output when inputting a phenotype file. A file with suffix effects.txt containing estimates of the PGS effects and their standard errors, and a file with suffix vcov.txt containing the sampling variance-covariance matrix of the effect estimates


“Calling this function with args is equivalent to running this script from commandline with the same arguments. Args:

args: list

list of all the desired options and arguments. The possible values are all the values you can pass this script from commandline.