Source code for snipar.simulate

import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange
from snipar.utilities import *
from import decode_map_from_pos
from bgen_reader import open_bgen

### Read haplotypes from bgen
[docs]def haps_from_bgen(bgenfiles,chr_range): bgenfiles, chroms = parse_obsfiles(bgenfiles, obsformat='bgen', chromosomes=chr_range) # Read genotypes haps = [] maps = [] snp_ids = [] alleles = [] positions = [] for i in range(bgenfiles.shape[0]): print('Reading in chromosome '+str(chroms[i])) # Read bgen bgen = open_bgen(bgenfiles[i], verbose=True) # Read map map = decode_map_from_pos(chroms[i], bgen.positions) not_nan = np.logical_not(np.isnan(map)) maps.append(map[not_nan]) positions.append(bgen.positions[not_nan]) # Snp snp_ids.append(bgen.rsids[not_nan]) # Alleles alleles.append(np.array([x.split(',') for x in bgen.allele_ids[not_nan]])) # Read genotypes gts =[x for x in range(bgen.samples.shape[0])], [x for x in range(bgen.ids.shape[0])]), np.bool_)[:, :, np.array([0, 2])] gts = gts[:,not_nan] nfam = int(np.floor(gts.shape[0] / 2)) ngen = np.zeros((nfam, 2, gts.shape[1], 2), dtype=np.bool_) ngen[:, 0, :, :] = gts[0:nfam, :, :] ngen[:, 1, :, :] = gts[nfam:(2 * nfam), :, :] del gts haps.append(ngen) return haps, maps, snp_ids, alleles, positions, chroms
### Simulate haplotypes ### # Simulate frequencies: either all one value, or sampled from density proportional to 1/x def simulate_freqs(nsnp, maf=None, min_maf=None): if maf is not None: if 0.5>=maf>0: freqs = maf*np.ones((nsnp)) else: raise(ValueError('MAF must be between zero and 0.5')) else: if 0.5>=min_maf>0: C = -1/np.log(2*min_maf) u = np.random.uniform(0,1,nsnp) freqs = min_maf*np.exp(u/C) else: raise(ValueError('minimum MAF must be between zero and 0.5')) return freqs @njit def simulate_haplotypes(freqs,nfam): haps = np.zeros((nfam,2,freqs.shape[0],2),dtype=np.bool_) for i in prange(freqs.shape[0]): haps[:, :, i, :] = np.random.binomial(1,freqs[i],(nfam,2,2)) return haps
[docs]def simulate_first_gen(nfam, ncausal, maf=None,min_maf=0.05): # Chromosomes chroms = [1] # Simulate allele frequencies freqs = simulate_freqs(ncausal, maf=maf, min_maf=min_maf) # Simulate haplotypes haps = [simulate_haplotypes(freqs,nfam)] # SNP IDs snp_ids = [np.array(np.arange(1,ncausal+1),dtype=str)] # Alleles alleles = np.zeros((ncausal,2),dtype='S10') alleles[:, 0] = 'A1' alleles[:, 1] = 'A2' alleles = [alleles] # Positions positions = [np.arange(1,ncausal+1)] # Maps maps = [np.arange(1,ncausal+1)] return haps, maps, snp_ids, alleles, positions, chroms
# Simulate frequencies: either all one value, or sampled from density proportional to 1/x
[docs]def simulate_freqs(nsnp, maf=None, min_maf=None, Fst=0): if maf is not None: if 0.5>=maf>0: freqs = maf*np.ones((nsnp)) else: raise(ValueError('MAF must be between zero and 0.5')) else: if 0.5>=min_maf>0: C = -1/np.log(2*min_maf) u = np.random.uniform(0,1,nsnp) freqs = min_maf*np.exp(u/C) else: raise(ValueError('minimum MAF must be between zero and 0.5')) return freqs
[docs]@njit def simulate_haplotypes(freqs,nfam): haps = np.zeros((nfam,2,freqs.shape[0],2),dtype=np.bool_) for i in prange(freqs.shape[0]): haps[:, :, i, :] = np.random.binomial(1,freqs[i],(nfam,2,2)) return haps
[docs]@njit def simulate_recombinations(map): map_start = map[0] map_end = map[map.shape[0]-1] map_length = map_end-map_start n_recomb = np.random.poisson(map_length/100) recomb_points = map_start+np.sort(np.random.uniform(0,1,n_recomb))*map_length return n_recomb,recomb_points
######### Simulate meiosis with recombination #########
[docs]@njit def meiosis(map,n=1): # Recomb vector recomb_vector = np.zeros((n,map.shape[0]), dtype=np.bool_) # Do recombinations for r in range(n): n_recomb, recomb_points = simulate_recombinations(map) # Initialize last_hap = np.bool_(np.random.binomial(1,0.5,1)[0]) recomb_vector[r,:] = np.bool_(last_hap) # Recombine if n_recomb>0: for i in range(n_recomb): first_snp = np.argmax(map>recomb_points[i]) recomb_vector[r,first_snp:recomb_vector.shape[1]] = ~recomb_vector[r,first_snp:recomb_vector.shape[1]] # Return return recomb_vector
##### Produce next generation for unlinked variants #####
[docs]@njit(parallel=True) def produce_next_gen_unlinked(father_indices,mother_indices,males,females): ngen = np.zeros((father_indices.shape[0],2,males.shape[1],2),dtype=np.bool_) ibd = np.zeros((father_indices.shape[0],males.shape[1],2),dtype=np.bool_) for i in prange(ngen.shape[0]): meiosis = np.random.binomial(1,0.5,(4,ngen.shape[2])) for j in range(0,meiosis.shape[1]): # Paternal sib 1 if meiosis[0,j] == 0: ngen[i, 0, j, 0] = males[father_indices[i], j, 0] else: ngen[i, 0, j, 0] = males[father_indices[i], j , 1] # Paternal sib 2 if meiosis[1,j] == 0: ngen[i, 1, j, 0] = males[father_indices[i], j, 0] else: ngen[i, 1, j, 0] = males[father_indices[i], j , 1] # Maternal sib 1 if meiosis[2,j] == 0: ngen[i, 0, j, 1] = females[mother_indices[i], j, 0] else: ngen[i, 0, j, 1] = females[mother_indices[i], j , 1] # Maternal sib 2 if meiosis[3,j] == 0: ngen[i, 1, j, 1] = females[mother_indices[i], j, 0] else: ngen[i, 1, j, 1] = females[mother_indices[i], j , 1] # IBD ibd[i, j, 0] = meiosis[0,j]==meiosis[1,j] ibd[i, j, 1] = meiosis[2,j]==meiosis[3,j] return ngen, ibd
#### Produce next generation with linkage through recombination map #####
[docs]@njit(parallel=True) def produce_next_gen(father_indices,mother_indices,males,females,map): ngen = np.zeros((father_indices.shape[0],2,males.shape[1],2),dtype=np.bool_) ibd = np.zeros((father_indices.shape[0],males.shape[1],2),dtype=np.bool_) for i in prange(father_indices.shape[0]): # recombinations recomb_i = meiosis(map,n=4) ## sib haplotypes # sib haplotypes and ibd for j in range(ibd.shape[1]): # paternal sib 1 if recomb_i[0,j]: ngen[i, 0, j, 0] = males[father_indices[i], j, 0] else: ngen[i, 0, j, 0] = males[father_indices[i], j, 1] # paternal sib 2 if recomb_i[1,j]: ngen[i, 1, j, 0] = males[father_indices[i], j, 0] else: ngen[i, 1, j, 0] = males[father_indices[i], j, 1] # maternal sib 1 if recomb_i[2,j]: ngen[i, 0, j, 1] = females[mother_indices[i], j, 0] else: ngen[i, 0, j, 1] = females[mother_indices[i], j, 1] # maternal sib 2 if recomb_i[3,j]: ngen[i, 1, j, 1] = females[mother_indices[i], j, 0] else: ngen[i, 1, j, 1] = females[mother_indices[i], j, 1] ibd[i,j,0] = recomb_i[0,j]==recomb_i[1,j] ibd[i,j,1] = recomb_i[2,j]==recomb_i[3,j] return ngen, ibd
[docs]@njit def random_mating_indices(nfam): return np.random.choice(np.array([x for x in range(nfam)],dtype=np.int_),size=nfam,replace=False)
[docs]def am_indices(yp,ym,r): v = np.sqrt(np.var(yp)*np.var(ym)) s2 = (1/r-1)*v zp = yp+np.sqrt(s2)*np.random.randn(yp.shape[0]) zm = ym+np.sqrt(s2)*np.random.randn(ym.shape[0]) rank_p = np.argsort(zp) rank_m = np.argsort(zm) return rank_p, rank_m
[docs]def compute_genetic_component(haps,causal,a): causal = set(causal) G_m = np.zeros((haps[0].shape[0])) G_p = np.zeros((haps[0].shape[0])) snp_count = 0 for chr in range(len(haps)): snp_index = np.array([snp_count+x for x in range(haps[chr].shape[2])]) in_causal = np.array([snp_index[x] in causal for x in range(haps[chr].shape[2])]) causal_gts = np.sum(haps[chr][:,:,in_causal,:],axis=3) G_p += causal_gts[:, 0, :].dot(a[snp_index[in_causal]]) G_m += causal_gts[:, 1, :].dot(a[snp_index[in_causal]]) snp_count += haps[chr].shape[2] return G_p, G_m
[docs]def compute_phenotype(haps,causal,a,sigma2): G_p, G_m = compute_genetic_component(haps,causal,a) Y_p = G_p+np.sqrt(sigma2)*np.random.randn(G_p.shape[0]) Y_m = G_m+np.sqrt(sigma2)*np.random.randn(G_m.shape[0]) return G_p, G_m, Y_p, Y_m
[docs]def compute_phenotype_vert(haps,causal,a,sigma2,beta_vert,Y_p,Y_m): G_males, G_females = compute_genetic_component(haps, causal, a) Y_males = G_males + beta_vert*(Y_p+Y_m)+np.sqrt(sigma2) * np.random.randn(G_males.shape[0]) Y_females = G_females + beta_vert*(Y_p+Y_m)+np.sqrt(sigma2) * np.random.randn(G_females.shape[0]) return G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females
[docs]def compute_phenotype_indirect(haps,old_haps,father_indices,mother_indices,causal,a,b,sigma2): if father_indices is None or mother_indices is None: raise(ValueError('Must provide parental indices to compute indirect effect components')) # Direct effect component of offspring G_males, G_females = compute_genetic_component(haps,causal,a) # Direct effect component of parents G_father, G_mother = compute_genetic_component(old_haps,causal,a) # Indirect effect component of parents G_p, G_m = compute_genetic_component(old_haps, causal, b) # Male offspring phenotype Y_males = G_males+G_p[father_indices]+G_m[mother_indices]+np.sqrt(sigma2)*np.random.randn(G_males.shape[0]) # Female offspring phenotype Y_females = G_females+G_p[father_indices]+G_m[mother_indices]+np.sqrt(sigma2)*np.random.randn(G_males.shape[0]) # Direct males, direct females, phenotype males, phenotype females, indirect effect component father, # indirect effect component mother, direct effect component father, direct effect component mother return G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, G_p[father_indices], G_m[mother_indices], G_father[father_indices], G_mother[mother_indices]
[docs]def simulate_effects(haps, n_causal, h2, old_haps=None, v_indirect=0, r_direct_indirect=0, father_indices=None, mother_indices=None): # Select causal variants nsnp_chr = np.array([x.shape[2] for x in haps]) nsnp = np.sum(nsnp_chr) if n_causal > nsnp: raise(ValueError('Not enough SNPs to simulate phenotype with '+str(n_causal)+' causal SNPs')) causal = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(0, nsnp), n_causal, replace=False)) # Check if indirect effect parameters are possible if v_indirect<0: raise(ValueError('Variance due to indirect effects must be non-negative')) elif v_indirect>0: h2_total = (1+v_indirect+r_direct_indirect*np.sqrt(2*v_indirect))*h2 print('Direct and indirect variance components specified:') print('Random-mating heritability: '+str(round(h2,4))) print('Fraction of phenotypic variance explained by direct and indirect genetic effects in a random-mating population: '+str(round(h2_total,4))) if h2_total>1: raise(ValueError('Parameters imply total variance explained by direct and indirect effects is greater than phenotypic variance. Reduce variance due to indirect effects')) else: v_eg = v_indirect*h2 c_ge = np.sqrt(2*v_indirect)*r_direct_indirect*h2 print('Variance explained by indirect genetic effects: '+str(round(v_eg,4))) print('Variance explained by covariance between direct and indirect genetic effects: '+str(round(c_ge,4))) # Simulate direct effects if v_indirect==0: print('Simulating direct genetic effects') a = np.zeros((nsnp)) causal = np.sort(np.random.choice(np.arange(0,nsnp),n_causal,replace=False)) a[causal] = np.random.randn(n_causal) G_p, G_m = compute_genetic_component(haps,causal,a) scale_fctr = np.sqrt(h2/np.var(np.hstack((G_p,G_m)))) a = a*scale_fctr h2_total = h2 else: if old_haps is None: raise(ValueError('Must provide parental haplotypes to simulate indirect genetic effects')) if father_indices is None or mother_indices is None: raise(ValueError('Must provide parental indices to simulate indirect genetic effects')) print('Simulating indirect genetic effects') a = np.zeros((nsnp,2)) a[causal,:] = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros((2)), np.array([[1,r_direct_indirect],[r_direct_indirect,1]]), size=n_causal) G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, eta_p, eta_m, delta_p, delta_m = compute_phenotype_indirect(haps,old_haps,father_indices,mother_indices,causal,a[:,0],a[:,1],0) # Rescale direct effects a[:,0] = a[:,0] * np.sqrt(h2 / np.var(np.hstack((G_males, G_females)))) # Rescale indirect effects a[:,1] = a[:,1] * np.sqrt(v_eg / np.var(eta_p+eta_m)) return a, causal, h2_total
[docs]def compute_vcomps(G_p ,G_m, Y_p, Y_m, delta_p=None, delta_m=None, v_indirect=0, eta_p=None, eta_m=None, verbose=True): if v_indirect==0: V = np.zeros((3)) else: if delta_p is None or delta_m is None or eta_p is None or eta_m is None: raise(ValueError('Missing parental direct/indirect components. Cannot compute all variance components')) V = np.zeros((8)) V[:] = np.nan # Print variances V[0:2] = np.array([np.var(np.hstack((G_p, G_m))), np.var(np.hstack((Y_p, Y_m)))]) # Correlation between parents' direct effect components if delta_p is not None and delta_m is not None: V[2] = np.corrcoef(delta_p,delta_m)[0,1] if verbose: print('Genetic variance: ' + str(round(V[0], 4))) print('Phenotypic variance: ' + str(round(V[1], 4))) print('Heritability: ' + str(round(V[0] / V[1], 4))) if delta_p is not None and delta_m is not None: print('Parental genotypic correlation: '+str(round(V[2],4))) # Compute for indirect effect components if v_indirect>0: # Combined parental indirect effect component eta = eta_p+eta_m # Variance of parental indirect effect component V[3] = np.var(eta) # Variance due to covariance between direct and parental indirect effect components V[4] = np.cov(G_p,eta)[0,1]+np.cov(G_m,eta)[0,1] # Correlation between parents' indirect effect components V[5] = np.corrcoef(eta_p,eta_m)[0,1] # Correlation between direct and indirect effect components of parents V[6] = np.corrcoef(np.hstack((delta_p,delta_m)),np.hstack((eta_p,eta_m)))[0,1] # Correlation between direct component of father and indirect component of mother V[7] = np.corrcoef(np.hstack((delta_p,delta_m)),np.hstack((eta_m,eta_p)))[0,1] if verbose: print('Variance due to parental indirect genetic effects: ' + str(round(V[3], 4))) print('Variance due to covariance between direct effects and parental indirect genetic effects: ' + str(round(V[4], 4))) print('Correlation between maternal and paternal indirect effect components: '+str(round(V[5],4))) print('Correlation between direct and indirect effect components within parents: '+str(round(V[6],4))) print('Correlation between direct and indirect effect components across parents: '+str(round(V[7],4))) return V
[docs]def create_ped_output(G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, Y_p, Y_m, delta_p, delta_m, eta_males=None, eta_females=None, eta_p=None, eta_m=None, father_indices=None, mother_indices=None,gen=None, header=True): nfam = Y_males.shape[0] # Pedigree columns pedcols = ['FID','IID','FATHER_ID','MOTHER_ID','SEX', 'PHENO','FATHER_PHENO','MOTHER_PHENO', 'DIRECT','FATHER_DIRECT','MOTHER_DIRECT'] if eta_males is not None and eta_females is not None: pedcols.append('INDIRECT') if eta_p is not None: pedcols.append('FATHER_INDIRECT') if eta_m is not None: pedcols.append('MOTHER_INDIRECT') pedcols = np.array(pedcols) ped = np.zeros((nfam*2,pedcols.shape[0]),dtype='U30') ## Fill in pedigree array # Record generation if gen is None: gen='' prev_gen = '' else: prev_gen = str(int(gen)-1)+'_' gen=str(gen)+'_' # FID ped[:, 0] = np.repeat(np.array([gen+str(x) for x in range(nfam)]),2) # IID id1 = np.array([gen+str(x)+'_0' for x in range(nfam)]) id2 = np.array([gen+str(x)+'_1' for x in range(nfam)]) ped[0::2, 1] = id1 ped[1::2, 1] = id2 # Father ID if father_indices is None: ped[:, 2] = np.repeat(np.array(['P_'+str(x) for x in range(nfam)]),2) else: ped[:, 2] = np.repeat(np.array([prev_gen+str(x)+'_0' for x in father_indices]),2) # Mother ID if mother_indices is None: ped[:, 3] = np.repeat(np.array(['M_'+str(x) for x in range(nfam)]),2) else: ped[:, 3] = np.repeat(np.array([prev_gen+str(x)+'_1' for x in mother_indices]),2) # Sex ped[0::2, 4] = '0' ped[1::2, 4] = '1' # Phenotype ped[0::2, 5] = Y_males ped[1::2, 5] = Y_females # Father phenotype ped[:, 6] = np.repeat(Y_p, 2) # Mother phenotype ped[:, 7] = np.repeat(Y_m, 2) # Genetic component ped[0::2, 8] = G_males ped[1::2, 8] = G_females # Paternal genetic component ped[:, 9] = np.repeat(delta_p, 2) # Maternal genetic component ped[:, 10] = np.repeat(delta_m, 2) # Indirect component if eta_males is not None and eta_females is not None: ped[0::2, 11] = eta_males ped[1::2, 11] = eta_females # Paternal indirect component if eta_p is not None: ped[:, 12] = np.repeat(eta_p, 2) if eta_m is not None: ped[:, 13] = np.repeat(eta_m, 2) # Add header if header: ped = np.vstack((pedcols,ped)) return ped
[docs]def forward_sim(haps, maps, ngen_random, ngen_am, unlinked, n_causal, h2, v_indirect=0, r_direct_indirect=0, beta_vert=0, r_y=None,): nfam = haps[0].shape[0] if ngen_am>0 and r_y is None: raise(ValueError('Must provide parental phenotypic correlation for assortative mating')) ### Simulate population ### ### Produce first generation by random-mating print('Generating first generation by random-mating') father_indices = random_mating_indices(nfam) mother_indices = random_mating_indices(nfam) # Generate haplotypes of new generation new_haps = [] ibd = [] for chr in range(0,len(haps)): if unlinked: new_haps_chr, ibd_chr = produce_next_gen_unlinked(father_indices,mother_indices,haps[chr][:,0,:,:],haps[chr][:,1,:,:]) else: new_haps_chr, ibd_chr = produce_next_gen(father_indices,mother_indices,haps[chr][:,0,:,:],haps[chr][:,1,:,:],maps[chr]) new_haps.append(new_haps_chr) ibd.append(ibd_chr) # Pedigree columns pedcols = ['FID','IID','FATHER_ID','MOTHER_ID','SEX', 'PHENO','FATHER_PHENO','MOTHER_PHENO', 'DIRECT','FATHER_DIRECT','MOTHER_DIRECT'] # Matings total_matings = ngen_random+ngen_am ## Record variance component evolution and pedigree if v_indirect == 0: V = np.zeros((total_matings+1,3)) V_header = np.array(['v_g','v_y','r_delta']).reshape((1,3)) else: V = np.zeros((total_matings+1,8)) V_header = np.array(['v_g','v_y','r_delta','v_eg','c_ge','r_eta','r_delta_eta_c','r_delta_eta_tau']).reshape((1,8)) pedcols += ['INDIRECT','FATHER_INDIRECT','MOTHER_INDIRECT'] V[:] = np.nan ## Record full pedigree pedcols = np.array(pedcols) ped = np.zeros((nfam*2*(total_matings+1),pedcols.shape[0]),dtype='U30') # Count generations a_count = 0 # Simulate ngen_random generations of random-mating then ngen_am generations of assortative mating for gen in range(0, total_matings): if v_indirect==0: if a_count==0: # Simulate direct effect component a, causal, h2 = simulate_effects(new_haps, n_causal, h2) # Compute parental phenotype delta_p, delta_m, Y_p, Y_m = compute_phenotype(haps, causal, a, 1 - h2) delta_p, delta_m, Y_p, Y_m = delta_p[father_indices], delta_m[mother_indices], Y_p[father_indices], Y_m[mother_indices] else: delta_p, delta_m, Y_p, Y_m = G_males[father_indices], G_females[mother_indices], Y_males[father_indices], Y_females[father_indices] # Compute phenotypes print('Computing phenotypes') if np.abs(beta_vert) > 0 and a_count>0: G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females = compute_phenotype_vert(new_haps, causal, a, 1-h2, beta_vert, Y_p, Y_m) else: G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females = compute_phenotype(new_haps, causal, a, 1 - h2) else: # Compute with indirect effects if a_count==0: # Compute indirect effect component a, causal, h2_total = simulate_effects(new_haps, n_causal, h2, old_haps=haps, v_indirect=v_indirect, r_direct_indirect=r_direct_indirect, father_indices=father_indices, mother_indices=mother_indices) # Compute parental phenotype delta_p, delta_m, Y_p, Y_m = compute_phenotype(haps, causal, a[:,0], 1 - h2) Y_p, Y_m = Y_p[father_indices], Y_m[mother_indices] # Compute phenotype print('Computing phenotypes') G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, eta_p, eta_m, delta_p, delta_m = compute_phenotype_indirect(new_haps, haps, father_indices, mother_indices, causal, a[:,0], a[:,1], 1-h2_total) # Indirect effect component generation eta_males, eta_females = compute_genetic_component(new_haps, causal, a[:, 1]) # Record variance components ## Final offspring generation variance components if v_indirect==0: V[a_count,:] = compute_vcomps(G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, delta_p=delta_p, delta_m=delta_m) else: V[a_count,:] = compute_vcomps(G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, delta_p=delta_p, delta_m=delta_m, v_indirect=v_indirect, eta_p=eta_p, eta_m=eta_m) # Record pedigree if v_indirect==0: ped[(a_count*2*nfam):((a_count+1)*2*nfam),:] = create_ped_output(G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, Y_p, Y_m, delta_p, delta_m, father_indices=father_indices, mother_indices=mother_indices, gen=a_count+1,header=False) else: ped[(a_count*2*nfam):((a_count+1)*2*nfam),:] = create_ped_output(G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, Y_p, Y_m, delta_p, delta_m, eta_males=eta_males, eta_females=eta_females, eta_p=eta_p, eta_m=eta_m, father_indices=father_indices, mother_indices=mother_indices, gen=a_count+1, header=False) a_count += 1 ## Match current generation into parent-pairs for next generation print('Mating ' + str(gen + 2)) # Random mating if gen<ngen_random: print('Matching randomly') father_indices = random_mating_indices(nfam) mother_indices = random_mating_indices(nfam) # Assortative mating if gen>=ngen_random: # Match assortatively print('Matching assortatively') father_indices, mother_indices = am_indices(Y_males, Y_females, r_y) print('Parental phenotypic correlation: '+str(round(np.corrcoef(Y_males[father_indices],Y_females[mother_indices])[0,1],4))) # Generate haplotypes of new generation haps = new_haps new_haps = [] ibd = [] for chr in range(0,len(haps)): if unlinked: new_haps_chr, ibd_chr = produce_next_gen_unlinked(father_indices,mother_indices,haps[chr][:,0,:,:],haps[chr][:,1,:,:]) else: new_haps_chr, ibd_chr = produce_next_gen(father_indices,mother_indices,haps[chr][:,0,:,:],haps[chr][:,1,:,:],maps[chr]) new_haps.append(new_haps_chr) ibd.append(ibd_chr) #### Compute final generation #### print('Computing final generation') if v_indirect==0: if a_count==0: # Simulate direct effect component a, causal, h2 = simulate_effects(new_haps, n_causal, h2) # Compute parental phenotype delta_p, delta_m, Y_p, Y_m = compute_phenotype(haps, causal, a, 1 - h2) delta_p, delta_m, Y_p, Y_m = delta_p[father_indices], delta_m[mother_indices], Y_p[father_indices], Y_m[mother_indices] else: delta_p, delta_m, Y_p, Y_m = G_males[father_indices], G_females[mother_indices], Y_males[father_indices], Y_females[father_indices] # Compute phenotypes print('Computing phenotypes') if np.abs(beta_vert) > 0 and a_count>0: G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females = compute_phenotype_vert(new_haps, causal, a, 1-h2, beta_vert, Y_p, Y_m) else: G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females = compute_phenotype(new_haps, causal, a, 1 - h2) else: # Compute with indirect effects if a_count==0: # Compute indirect effect component a, causal, h2_total = simulate_effects(new_haps, n_causal, h2, old_haps=haps, v_indirect=v_indirect, r_direct_indirect=r_direct_indirect, father_indices=father_indices, mother_indices=mother_indices) # Compute parental phenotype delta_p, delta_m, Y_p, Y_m = compute_phenotype(haps, causal, a[:,0], 1 - h2) Y_p, Y_m = Y_p[father_indices], Y_m[mother_indices] # Compute phenotype print('Computing phenotypes') G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, eta_p, eta_m, delta_p, delta_m = compute_phenotype_indirect(new_haps, haps, father_indices, mother_indices, causal, a[:,0], a[:,1], 1-h2_total) # Indirect effect component generation eta_males, eta_females = compute_genetic_component(new_haps, causal, a[:, 1]) print('Sibling genotypic correlation: ' + str(round(np.corrcoef(G_males, G_females)[0, 1], 4))) print('Sibling phenotypic correlation: ' + str(round(np.corrcoef(Y_males, Y_females)[0, 1], 4))) ## Final offspring generation variance components if v_indirect==0: V[a_count,:] = compute_vcomps(G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, delta_p=delta_p, delta_m=delta_m) else: V[a_count,:] = compute_vcomps(G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, delta_p=delta_p, delta_m=delta_m, v_indirect=v_indirect, eta_p=eta_p, eta_m=eta_m) V = np.vstack((V_header,V)) # Record pedigree if v_indirect==0: ped[(a_count*2*nfam):((a_count+1)*2*nfam),:] = create_ped_output(G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, Y_p, Y_m, delta_p, delta_m, father_indices=father_indices, mother_indices=mother_indices, gen=a_count+1, header=False) else: ped[(a_count*2*nfam):((a_count+1)*2*nfam),:] = create_ped_output(G_males, G_females, Y_males, Y_females, Y_p, Y_m, delta_p, delta_m, eta_males=eta_males, eta_females=eta_females, eta_p=eta_p, eta_m=eta_m, father_indices=father_indices, mother_indices=mother_indices, gen=a_count+1, header=False) ped = np.vstack((pedcols,ped)) ## Return output return new_haps, haps, father_indices, mother_indices, ibd, ped, a, V
##### Imputation functions #####
[docs]@njit def impute_from_sibs(g1, g2, ibd, f): if ibd==2: return g1+2*f elif ibd==0: return g1+g2 elif ibd==1: gsum = g1+g2 if gsum==0: return f elif gsum==1: return 1+f elif gsum==2: return 1+2*f elif gsum==3: return 2+f elif gsum==4: return 3+f
[docs]@njit def impute_from_sibs_phased(g1,g2,ibd,f): imp = 0.0 if ibd[0]: imp += int(g1[0])+f else: imp += int(g1[0])+int(g2[0]) if ibd[1]: imp += int(g1[1]) + f else: imp += int(g1[1]) + int(g2[1]) return imp
[docs]@njit(parallel=True) def impute_all_fams(gts,freqs,ibd): imp = np.zeros((gts.shape[0],gts.shape[2]),dtype=np.float_) for i in prange(gts.shape[0]): for j in range(gts.shape[2]): imp[i,j] = impute_from_sibs(gts[i,0,j],gts[i,1,j],ibd[i,j],freqs[j]) return imp
[docs]@njit(parallel=True) def impute_all_fams_phased(haps,freqs,ibd): imp = np.zeros((haps.shape[0],haps.shape[2]),dtype=np.float_) for i in prange(haps.shape[0]): for j in range(haps.shape[2]): imp[i,j] = impute_from_sibs_phased(haps[i,0,j,:],haps[i,1,j,:],ibd[i,j,:],freqs[j]) return imp