Source code for snipar.scripts.ibd

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Infers identity-by-descent (IBD) segments shared between full-siblings.

Minimally: the script requires observed sibling genotypes in either .bed or .bgen format, along with information
on the relations present in the dataset, which can be provided using a pedigree file or the results
of KING kinship inference along with age and sex information (from which a pedigree can be constructed).


    IBD segments
        For each chromosome, a gzipped text file containing the IBD segments for the siblings is output. 
import argparse
from numba import set_num_threads
from numba import config as numba_config
import snipar.ibd
import numpy as np
from snipar.errors import estimate_genotyping_error_rate
from snipar.utilities import *
from snipar.pedigree import *
from snipar.utilities import get_parser_doc

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                    type=str,help='Address of the phased genotypes in .bgen format. If there is a @ in the address, @ is replaced by the chromosome numbers in the range of chr_range for each chromosome (chr_range is an optional parameters for this script).')
                    type=str,help='Address of the unphased genotypes in .bed format. If there is a @ in the address, @ is replaced by the chromosome numbers in the range of chr_range for each chromosome (chr_range is an optional parameters for this script).')
                    help='number of the chromosomes to be imputed. Should be a series of ranges with x-y format or integers.', default=None)
                    default = None,
                    help='Address of the king file')
                    help='Address of file with age and sex information')
                    help='Address of pedigree file')
                    default = 'ibd',
                    help="The IBD segments will output to this path, one file for each chromosome. If the path contains '#', the '#' will be replaced with the chromosome number. Otherwise, the segments will be output to the given path with file names chr_1.ibd.segments.gz, chr_2.segments.gz, etc.")
parser.add_argument('--p_error',type=float,help='Probability of genotyping error. By default, this is estimated from genotyped parent-offspring pairs.',default=None)
parser.add_argument('--min_length',type=float,help='Smooth segments with length less than min_length (cM)',
parser.add_argument('--threads',type=int,help='Number of threads to use for IBD inference. Uses all available by default.',default=None)
parser.add_argument('--min_maf',type=float,help='Minimum minor allele frequency',default=0.01)
parser.add_argument('--max_missing', type=float,
                    help='Ignore SNPs with greater percent missing calls than max_missing (default 5)', default=5)
parser.add_argument('--max_error', type=float, help='Maximum per-SNP genotyping error probability', default=0.01)
parser.add_argument('--ibdmatrix',action='store_true',default=False,help='Output a matrix of SNP IBD states (in addition to segments file)')
parser.add_argument('--ld_out',action='store_true',default=False,help='Output LD scores of SNPs (used internally for weighting).')
parser.add_argument('--chrom',type=int,help='The chromosome of the input .bgen file. Helpful if inputting a single .bgen file without chromosome information.',default=None)
parser.add_argument('--batches',type=int,help='Number of batches to split the data (by sibpair) into for IBD inference. Useful for large datasets.',default=1)
__doc__ = __doc__.replace("@parser@", get_parser_doc(parser))
[docs]def main(args): """"Calling this function with args is equivalent to running this script from commandline with the same arguments. Args: args: list list of all the desired options and arguments. The possible values are all the values you can pass this script from commandline. """ # Set number of threads if args.threads is not None: num_threads = min([args.threads, numba_config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS]) else: num_threads = numba_config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS set_num_threads(num_threads) print('Number of threads: '+str(num_threads)) # Check arguments if args.bed is None and args.bgen is None: raise(ValueError('Must provide one of --bedfiles and --bgenfiles')) if args.bed is not None and args.bgen is not None: raise(ValueError('Both bedfiles and bgenfiles provided. Please provide only one')) # Find bed files if args.bed is not None: bedfiles, chroms = parse_obsfiles(args.bed, 'bed', chromosomes=args.chr_range) bgenfiles = [None for x in range(chroms.shape[0])] elif args.bgen is not None: bgenfiles, chroms = parse_obsfiles(args.bgen, 'bgen', chromosomes=args.chr_range) bedfiles = [None for x in range(chroms.shape[0])] if args.chrom is not None and chroms.shape[0]==1: chroms = np.array([args.chrom],dtype=int) # Set parameters min_length = args.min_length kinfile = args.king if 0 <= args.min_maf <= 0.5: min_maf = args.min_maf else: raise(ValueError('Min MAF must be between 0 and 0.5')) mapfile = outprefix = args.out if 0 <= args.max_missing <= 100: max_missing = args.max_missing else: raise(ValueError('Max missing % must be between 0 and 100')) if 0 <= args.max_error <= 1: max_error = args.max_error else: raise(ValueError('Max missing % must be between 0 and 100')) #### Find sibling pairs #### if args.pedigree is not None: print('Reading pedigree from '+str(args.pedigree)) ped = np.loadtxt(args.pedigree,dtype=str) if ped.shape[1] < 4: raise(ValueError('Not enough columns in pedigree file')) elif ped.shape[1] > 4: print('Warning: pedigree file has more than 4 columns. The first four columns only will be used') # Remove rows with missing parents sibpairs, ped = get_sibpairs_from_ped(ped) if sibpairs is None: raise(ValueError('No sibpairs found')) elif kinfile is not None: print('Reading relationships from '+str(kinfile)) sibpairs = get_sibpairs_from_king(kinfile) else: raise(ValueError('Must provide either KING kinship file or pedigree')) if sibpairs.shape[0]==0: raise(ValueError('No sibling pairs found')) print('Found '+str(sibpairs.shape[0])+' full sibling pairs') #### Get genotyping error probability #### if args.p_error is None: print('No genotyping error probability provided. Will attempt to estimate from parent-offspring pairs.') if args.pedigree is None: if args.agesex is not None: print('Constructing pedigree from '+str(kinfile)+' and age and sex information from '+str(args.agesex)) ped = np.array(create_pedigree(kinfile, args.agesex), dtype=str) else: raise(ValueError('Must provide age and sex information (--agesex) in addition to KING kinship file, if estimating genotyping error probability')) if args.bed is not None: error_prob, error_probs = estimate_genotyping_error_rate(ped, bedfiles=bedfiles, min_maf=min_maf) elif args.bgen: error_prob, error_probs = estimate_genotyping_error_rate(ped, bgenfiles=bgenfiles, min_maf=min_maf) print('Estimated mean genotyping error probability: '+str(round(error_prob, 6))) if error_prob > 0.01: print('Warning: high genotyping error rate detected. Check pedigree and/or genotype data.') else: error_prob = args.p_error error_probs = None ######### Infer IBD ########### for i in range(chroms.shape[0]): if error_probs is None: error_probs_i = None else: error_probs_i = error_probs[i] if args.batches > 1: sibpairs = np.array_split(sibpairs, args.batches) for j in range(args.batches): print('Inferring IBD on batch '+str(j+1)+' of '+str(args.batches)) snipar.ibd.infer_ibd_chr(sibpairs[j], error_prob, error_probs_i, outprefix+str(j+1), bedfile=bedfiles[i], bgenfile=bgenfiles[i], chrom=chroms[i], min_length=min_length,, ibdmatrix=args.ibdmatrix, ld_out=args.ld_out, min_maf=min_maf, max_missing=max_missing, max_error=max_error) else: snipar.ibd.infer_ibd_chr(sibpairs, error_prob, error_probs_i, outprefix, bedfile=bedfiles[i], bgenfile=bgenfiles[i], chrom=chroms[i], min_length=min_length,, ibdmatrix=args.ibdmatrix, ld_out=args.ld_out, min_maf=min_maf, max_missing=max_missing, max_error=max_error)
if __name__ == "__main__": args=parser.parse_args() main(args)