Source code for snipar.scripts.gts_matrix

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Output multidimensional array with proband and (imputed/observed) parental genotypes


        For each chromosome, a HDF5 file containing proband and (imputed/observed) parental genotypes
import argparse, h5py
import as read
import numpy as np
import snipar.lmm as lmm
from snipar.utilities import *
from snipar.gwas import *
from numba import set_num_threads
from numba import config as numba_config
from snipar.pedigree import get_sibpairs_from_ped
from snipar.utilities import get_parser_doc

[docs]def write_genoarray(G, outfile, parsum, sib, ped=None): """ Write fitted SNP effects and other parameters to output HDF5 file. """ print('Writing output to ' + outfile) outfile = h5py.File(outfile, 'w') outbim = np.column_stack((G.chrom,G.sid,G.pos,G.alleles)) outfile['bim'] = encode_str_array(outbim) X_length = 1 outcols = ['proband'] if sib: X_length += 1 outcols.append('sib') if parsum: X_length += 1 outcols.append('parent_sum') else: X_length += 2 outcols = outcols + ['paternal','maternal'] # Write genotypes outfile.create_dataset('genotypes', G.shape, dtype='f', chunks=True, compression='gzip', compression_opts=9) outfile['genotypes'][:] = G.gts # Write ids outfile['ids'] = encode_str_array(G.ids) # Write families outfile['fams'] = encode_str_array(G.fams) # Write genotypes outfile['genotype_cols'] = encode_str_array(outcols) # Write pedigree if ped is not None: outfile['pedigree'] = encode_str_array(ped) outfile.close()
[docs]def gts_matrix_chromosome(chrom_out, pedigree, outprefix, bedfile=None, bgenfile=None, par_gts_f=None, fit_sib=False, parsum=False, max_missing=5, min_maf=0.01): if bedfile is None and bgenfile is None: raise(ValueError('Must supply either bed or bgen file with observed genotypes')) if bedfile is not None and bgenfile is not None: raise(ValueError('Both --bed and --bgen specified. Please specify one only')) if bedfile is not None: bed = Bed(bedfile,count_A1 = True) snp_ids = bed.sid pos = np.array(bed.pos[:,2],dtype=int) alleles = np.loadtxt(bedfile.split('.bed')[0]+'.bim',dtype=str,usecols=(4,5)) chrom = np.array(bed.pos[:,0],dtype=int) elif bgenfile is not None: bgen = open_bgen(bgenfile, verbose=False) snp_ids = bgen.ids # If SNP IDs are broken, try rsids if np.unique(snp_ids).shape[0] == 1: snp_ids = bgen.rsids pos = np.array(bgen.positions,dtype=int) alleles = np.array([x.split(',') for x in bgen.allele_ids]) chrom = np.array(bgen.chromosomes,dtype='U2') # If chromosomse unknown, set to chromosome inferred from filename chrom[[len(x)==0 for x in chrom]] = chrom_out print('Found '+str(snp_ids.shape[0])+' SNPs') # Remove duplicates unique_snps, counts = np.unique(snp_ids, return_counts=True) non_duplicate = set(unique_snps[counts==1]) if np.sum(counts>1)>0: print('Removing '+str(np.sum(counts>1))+' duplicate SNP ids') not_duplicated = np.array([x in non_duplicate for x in snp_ids]) snp_ids = snp_ids[not_duplicated] pos = pos[not_duplicated] chrom = chrom[not_duplicated] alleles = alleles[not_duplicated,:] # Get genotype matrix G = read.get_gts_matrix(ped=pedigree, bedfile=bedfile, bgenfile=bgenfile, par_gts_f=par_gts_f, snp_ids=snp_ids, parsum=parsum, sib=fit_sib, verbose=True, print_sample_info=True) # Filter G.filter_maf(min_maf) G.filter_missingness(max_missing) # Write to file hdf5_outfile = outfile_name(outprefix, '.genoarray.hdf5') write_genoarray(G, hdf5_outfile, parsum, fit_sib, ped=pedigree)
######### Command line arguments ######### parser=argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--bgen', type=str,help='Address of the phased genotypes in .bgen format. If there is a @ in the address, @ is replaced by the chromosome numbers in the range of chr_range for each chromosome (chr_range is an optional parameters for this script).') parser.add_argument('--bed', type=str,help='Address of the unphased genotypes in .bed format. If there is a @ in the address, @ is replaced by the chromosome numbers in the range of chr_range for each chromosome (chr_range is an optional parameters for this script).') parser.add_argument('--imp', type=str, help='Address of hdf5 files with imputed parental genotypes (without .hdf5 suffix). If there is a @ in the address, @ is replaced by the chromosome numbers in the range of chr_range (chr_range is an optional parameters for this script).', default = None) parser.add_argument('--chr_range', type=parseNumRange, nargs='*', action=NumRangeAction, help='number of the chromosomes to be imputed. Should be a series of ranges with x-y format or integers.', default=None) parser.add_argument('--out', type=str, help="The summary statistics will output to this path, one file for each chromosome. If the path contains '@', the '@' will be replaced with the chromosome number. Otherwise, the summary statistics will be output to the given path with file names chr_1.sumstats.gz, chr_2.sumstats.gz, etc. for the text sumstats, and chr_1.sumstats.hdf5, etc. for the HDF5 sumstats",default='./') parser.add_argument('--pedigree',type=str,help='Address of pedigree file. Must be provided if not providing imputed parental genotypes.',default=None) parser.add_argument('--parsum',action='store_true',help='Regress onto proband and sum of (imputed/observed) maternal and paternal genotypes. Default uses separate paternal and maternal genotypes when available.',default = False) parser.add_argument('--fit_sib',action='store_true',help='Fit indirect effect from sibling ',default=False) parser.add_argument('--min_maf',type=float,help='Ignore SNPs with minor allele frequency below min_maf (default 0.01)', default=0.01) parser.add_argument('--threads',type=int,help='Number of threads to use for IBD inference. Uses all available by default.',default=None) parser.add_argument('--max_missing',type=float,help='Ignore SNPs with greater percent missing calls than max_missing (default 5)', default=5) __doc__ = __doc__.replace("@parser@", get_parser_doc(parser)) # Set number of threads
[docs]def main(args): """"Calling this function with args is equivalent to running this script from commandline with the same arguments. Args: args: list list of all the desired options and arguments. The possible values are all the values you can pass this script from commandline. """ # Set number of threads if args.threads is not None: num_threads = min([args.threads, numba_config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS]) else: num_threads = numba_config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS set_num_threads(num_threads) print('Number of threads: '+str(num_threads)) # Check arguments if args.bed is None and args.bgen is None: raise(ValueError('Must provide one of --bedfiles and --bgenfiles')) if args.bed is not None and args.bgen is not None: raise(ValueError('Both bed files and bgen files provided. Please provide only one')) if args.imp is None and args.pedigree is None: raise(ValueError('Must provide pedigree if not providing imputed parental genotypes file(s)')) # Find observed and imputed files if args.imp is None: print('Warning: no imputed parental genotypes provided. Will analyse only individuals with both parents genotyped.') if args.bed is not None: bedfiles, chroms = parse_obsfiles(args.bed, 'bed', chromosomes=args.chr_range) bgenfiles = [None for x in range(chroms.shape[0])] elif args.bgen is not None: bgenfiles, chroms = parse_obsfiles(args.bgen, 'bgen', chromosomes=args.chr_range) bedfiles = [None for x in range(chroms.shape[0])] pargts_list = [None for x in range(chroms.shape[0])] else: if args.bed is not None: bedfiles, pargts_list, chroms = parse_filelist(args.bed, args.imp, 'bed', chromosomes=args.chr_range) bgenfiles = [None for x in range(chroms.shape[0])] elif args.bgen is not None: bgenfiles, pargts_list, chroms = parse_filelist(args.bgen, args.imp, 'bgen', chromosomes=args.chr_range) bedfiles = [None for x in range(chroms.shape[0])] if chroms.shape[0]==0: raise(ValueError('No input genotype files found')) # Read pedigree if args.imp is None: print('Reading pedigree from '+str(args.pedigree)) ped = np.loadtxt(args.pedigree,dtype=str) if ped.shape[1] < 4: raise(ValueError('Not enough columns in pedigree file')) elif ped.shape[1] > 4: print('Warning: pedigree file has more than 4 columns. The first four columns only will be used') # Remove rows with missing parents sibpairs, ped = get_sibpairs_from_ped(ped) if sibpairs is not None: print('Found '+str(sibpairs.shape[0])+' sibling pairs in pedigree') else: print('Found 0 sibling pairs') else: # Read pedigree par_gts_f = h5py.File(pargts_list[0],'r') ped = convert_str_array(par_gts_f['pedigree']) ped = ped[1:ped.shape[0]] # Remove control fams controls = np.array([x[0]=='_' for x in ped[:,0]]) ped = ped[~controls,:] ####### Fit null model ###### # Match to pedigree ped_dict = make_id_dict(ped,1) for i in range(chroms.shape[0]): if args.bed is not None: print('Observed genotypes file: '+bedfiles[i]) if args.bgen is not None: print('Observed genotypes file: '+bgenfiles[i]) if args.imp is not None: print('Imputed genotypes file: '+pargts_list[i]) if chroms.shape[0]>1: print('Obtaining genotype matrix for '+str(chroms[i])) else: print('Obtaining genotype matrix') gts_matrix_chromosome(chroms[i], ped, args.out, bedfile=bedfiles[i], bgenfile=bgenfiles[i], par_gts_f=pargts_list[i], fit_sib=args.fit_sib, parsum=args.parsum, max_missing=5, min_maf=0.01)
if __name__ == "__main__": args=parser.parse_args() main(args)