Source code for

import snipar.preprocess as preprocess
import numpy as np
from pysnptools.snpreader import Bed
from snipar.gtarray import gtarray
from snipar.utilities import *

[docs]def match_observed_and_imputed_snps(gts_f, par_gts_f, bim, snp_ids=None, start=0, end=None): """ Used in get_gts_matrix_given_ped to match observed and imputed SNPs and return SNP information on shared SNPs. Removes SNPs that have duplicated SNP ids. in_obs_sid contains the SNPs in the imputed genotypes that are present in the observed SNPs obs_sid_index contains the index in the observed SNPs of the common SNPs """ # Match SNPs from imputed and observed and restrict to those in list if snp_ids is None: snp_ids = gts_f.sid if end is None: end = snp_ids.shape[0] snp_ids = snp_ids[start:end] # Get bim info alleles = np.loadtxt(bim, dtype='U', usecols=(4, 5)) pos = np.loadtxt(bim, dtype=int, usecols=3) chromosome = np.loadtxt(bim, dtype=int, usecols=0) # Remove duplicate ids unique_snps, snp_indices, snp_counts = np.unique(snp_ids, return_index=True, return_counts=True) snp_set = set(snp_ids[snp_indices[snp_counts == 1]]) if len(snp_set) < snp_ids.shape[0]: print(str(snp_ids.shape[0]-len(snp_set))+' SNPs with duplicate IDs removed') # Read and match SNP ids imp_bim_cols = convert_str_array(np.array(par_gts_f['bim_columns'])) imp_bim = convert_str_array(np.array(par_gts_f['bim_values'])) # Get imputed SNP ids found_snp_ids = False if 'rsid' in imp_bim_cols: imp_sid = imp_bim[:,np.where(imp_bim_cols=='rsid')[0][0]] if np.unique(imp_sid).shape[0] == 0: found_snp_ids = False else: found_snp_ids = True if not found_snp_ids: if 'id' in imp_bim_cols: imp_sid = imp_bim[:,np.where(imp_bim_cols=='id')[0][0]] else: raise(ValueError('Cannot find imputed SNP ids')) # Get imputed allele ids if 'allele_ids' in imp_bim_cols: imp_alleles = np.array([x.split(',') for x in imp_bim[:,np.where(imp_bim_cols=='allele_ids')[0][0]]]) elif 'allele1' in imp_bim_cols and 'allele2' in imp_bim_cols: imp_alleles = imp_bim[:,[np.where(imp_bim_cols=='allele1')[0][0],np.where(imp_bim_cols=='allele2')[0][0]]] obs_sid = gts_f.sid obs_sid_dict = make_id_dict(obs_sid) in_obs_sid = np.zeros((imp_sid.shape[0]), dtype=bool) obs_sid_index = np.zeros((imp_sid.shape[0]), dtype=int) for i in range(0, imp_sid.shape[0]): if imp_sid[i] in obs_sid_dict and imp_sid[i] in snp_set: in_obs_sid[i] = True obs_sid_index[i] = obs_sid_dict[imp_sid[i]] if np.sum(in_obs_sid) == 0: raise ValueError('No SNPs in common between imputed and observed data') obs_sid_index = obs_sid_index[in_obs_sid] sid = imp_sid[in_obs_sid] alleles = alleles[obs_sid_index, :] imp_alleles = imp_alleles[in_obs_sid,:] chromosome = chromosome[obs_sid_index] pos = pos[obs_sid_index] # Check for allele flip/mismatch allele_match = np.logical_and(alleles[:,0]==imp_alleles[:,0],alleles[:,1]==imp_alleles[:,1]) if np.sum(allele_match) < alleles.shape[0]: allele_flip = np.logical_and(alleles[:,0]==imp_alleles[:,1],alleles[:,1]==imp_alleles[:,0]) allele_mismatch = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(allele_match,allele_flip)) n_mismatch = np.sum(allele_mismatch) if n_mismatch == alleles.shape[0]: raise(ValueError('Np alleles match between observed and imputed genotypes')) elif n_mismatch > 0: print('Removing '+str(n_mismatch)+' SNPs with mismatched alleles between imputed and observed') chromosome = chromosome[~allele_mismatch] sid = sid[~allele_mismatch] pos = pos[~allele_mismatch] alleles = alleles[~allele_mismatch] imp_alleles = imp_alleles[~allele_mismatch] in_obs_sid[np.where(in_obs_sid)[0][allele_mismatch]] = False obs_sid_index = obs_sid_index[~allele_mismatch] allele_flip = np.logical_and(alleles[:,0]==imp_alleles[:,1],alleles[:,1]==imp_alleles[:,0]) return chromosome, sid, pos, alleles, allele_flip, in_obs_sid, obs_sid_index
[docs]def get_snps(gts_f,bim,snp_ids=None): # Match SNPs in bed and get SNP info if snp_ids is None: snp_ids = gts_f.sid # Get bim info alleles = np.loadtxt(bim, dtype='U', usecols=(4, 5)) pos = np.loadtxt(bim, dtype=int, usecols=3) chromosome = np.loadtxt(bim, dtype=int, usecols=0) # Remove duplicate ids unique_snps, snp_indices, snp_counts = np.unique(snp_ids, return_index=True, return_counts=True) snp_ids = snp_ids[snp_indices[snp_counts == 1]] # Read and match SNP ids obs_sid = gts_f.sid obs_sid_dict = make_id_dict(obs_sid) in_obs_sid = np.array([x in obs_sid_dict for x in snp_ids]) if np.sum(in_obs_sid) == 0: raise ValueError('No SNPs found in bed file') obs_sid_index = np.array([obs_sid_dict[x] for x in snp_ids[in_obs_sid]]) sid = obs_sid[obs_sid_index] alleles = alleles[obs_sid_index, :] chromosome = chromosome[obs_sid_index] pos = pos[obs_sid_index] return chromosome, sid, pos, alleles, obs_sid_index
[docs]def get_gts_matrix_given_ped(ped, bedfile, par_gts_f=None, snp_ids=None, ids=None, sib=False, parsum=False, verbose=False, print_sample_info = False): """ Used in get_gts_matrix: see get_gts_matrix for documentation """ ### Genotype file ### bim = bedfile.split('.bed')[0] + '.bim' gts_f = Bed(bedfile,count_A1=True) # get ids of genotypes and make dict gts_ids = gts_f.iid[:, 1] if ids is None: ids = gts_ids # Get families with imputed parental genotypes if par_gts_f is not None: imp_fams = convert_str_array(par_gts_f['families']) else: imp_fams = None ### Find ids with observed/imputed parents and indices of those in observed/imputed data ids, observed_indices, imp_indices, parcount = preprocess.get_indices_given_ped(ped, gts_ids, imp_fams=imp_fams, ids=ids, sib=sib, verbose=print_sample_info) if np.sum(parcount>0)==0 and not parsum: if verbose: print('No individuals with genotyped parents found. Using sum of imputed maternal and paternal genotypes to prevent collinearity.') parsum = True elif 100 > np.sum(parcount>0) > 0 and not parsum: if verbose: print('Warning: low number of individuals with observed parental genotypes. Consider using the --parsum argument to prevent issues due to collinearity.') ### Match observed and imputed SNPs ### if par_gts_f is not None: if verbose: print('Matching observed and imputed SNPs') chromosome, sid, pos, alleles, allele_flip, in_obs_sid, obs_sid_index = match_observed_and_imputed_snps(gts_f, par_gts_f, bim, snp_ids=snp_ids) # Read imputed parental genotypes if verbose: print('Reading imputed parental genotypes') if (imp_indices.shape[0]*in_obs_sid.shape[0]) < (np.sum(in_obs_sid)*imp_fams.shape[0]): imp_gts = np.array(par_gts_f['imputed_par_gts'][imp_indices, :]) imp_gts = imp_gts[:,np.arange(in_obs_sid.shape[0])[in_obs_sid]] else: imp_gts = np.array(par_gts_f['imputed_par_gts'][:,np.arange(in_obs_sid.shape[0])[in_obs_sid]]) imp_gts = imp_gts[imp_indices,:] imp_fams = imp_fams[imp_indices] # Check for allele flip nflip = np.sum(allele_flip) if nflip>0: if verbose: print('Flipping alleles of '+str(nflip)+' SNPs to match observed genotypes') imp_gts[:,allele_flip] = 2-imp_gts[:,allele_flip] else: chromosome, sid, pos, alleles, obs_sid_index = get_snps(gts_f, bim, snp_ids=snp_ids) imp_gts = None # Read observed genotypes if verbose: print('Reading observed genotypes') gts = gts_f[observed_indices, obs_sid_index].read().val gts_ids = gts_f.iid[observed_indices,1] gts_id_dict = make_id_dict(gts_ids) # Find indices in reduced data par_status, gt_indices, fam_labels = preprocess.find_par_gts(ids, ped, gts_id_dict, imp_fams=imp_fams) if verbose: print('Constructing family based genotype matrix') ### Make genotype design matrix if sib: if parsum: G = np.zeros((ids.shape[0], 3, gts.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) G[:, np.array([0, 2]), :] = preprocess.make_gts_matrix(gts, par_status, gt_indices, imp_gts=imp_gts, parsum=parsum) else: G = np.zeros((ids.shape[0],4,gts.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) G[:,np.array([0,2,3]),:] = preprocess.make_gts_matrix(gts, par_status, gt_indices, imp_gts=imp_gts, parsum=parsum) G[:,1,:] = preprocess.get_fam_means(ids, ped, gts, gts_ids, remove_proband=True).gts else: G = preprocess.make_gts_matrix(gts, par_status, gt_indices, parsum=parsum, imp_gts=imp_gts) del gts if imp_gts is not None: del imp_gts return gtarray(G, ids, sid, alleles=alleles, pos=pos, chrom=chromosome, fams=fam_labels, par_status=par_status, ped=ped)
[docs]def read_sibs_from_bed(bedfile,sibpairs): bed = Bed(bedfile, count_A1=True) ids = bed.iid id_dict = make_id_dict(ids, 1) # Find sibpairs in bed in_bed = np.vstack((np.array([x in id_dict for x in sibpairs[:,0]]), np.array([x in id_dict for x in sibpairs[:, 1]]))).T both_in_bed = np.sum(in_bed,axis=1)==2 # Remove pairs without both in bedfile if np.sum(both_in_bed)<sibpairs.shape[0]: print(str(sibpairs.shape[0]-np.sum(both_in_bed))+' sibpairs do not both have genotypes') sibpairs = sibpairs[both_in_bed,:] # Find indices of sibpairs sibindices = np.sort(np.array([id_dict[x] for x in sibpairs.flatten()])) gts = np.zeros((sibindices.shape[0],bed.sid.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) gts[:] = bed[sibindices,:].read().val return gtarray(garray = gts, ids = ids[sibindices, 1], sid = bed.sid, pos = np.array(bed.pos[:,2],dtype=int))
[docs]def read_PO_pairs_from_bed(ped,bedfile): # Read bed bed = Bed(bedfile, count_A1=True) ids = bed.iid id_dict = make_id_dict(ids, 1) ## Find parent-offspring pairs # genotyped individuals genotyped = np.array([x in id_dict for x in ped[:, 1]]) ped = ped[genotyped, :] # with genotyped father father_genotyped = np.array([x in id_dict for x in ped[:, 2]]) # with genotyped mother mother_genotyped = np.array([x in id_dict for x in ped[:, 3]]) # either opg = np.logical_or(father_genotyped, mother_genotyped) opg_ped = ped[opg, :] # number of pairs npair = np.sum(father_genotyped) + np.sum(mother_genotyped) if npair == 0: raise(ValueError('No parent-offspring pairs in '+str(bedfile)+' for genotype error probability estimation')) print(str(npair)+' parent-offspring pairs found in '+bedfile) if npair*bed.sid.shape[0] < 10**5: print('Warning: limited information for estimation of genotyping error probability.') ## Read genotypes all_ids = np.unique(np.hstack((opg_ped[:, 1], ped[father_genotyped, 2], ped[mother_genotyped, 3]))) all_ids_indices = np.sort(np.array([id_dict[x] for x in all_ids])) gts = bed[all_ids_indices, :].read().val return gtarray(gts,ids = ids[all_ids_indices, 1], sid=bed.sid), opg_ped, npair