Source code for snipar.imputation.preprocess_data

"""Contains functions for preprocessing the data for the imputation


import logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pysnptools.snpreader import Bed
from snipar.utilities import open_bgen, read_bgen
from snipar.config import nan_integer
from tqdm import tqdm
import statsmodels.api as sm
from scipy.stats import norm
[docs]class Person: """Just a simple data structure representing individuals Args: id : str IID of the individual. fid : str FID of the individual. pid : str IID of the father of that individual. mid : str IID of the mother of that individual. """ def __init__(self, id, fid=None, pid=None, mid=None): = id self.fid = fid = pid self.mid = mid
[docs]def recurcive_append(dictionary, index, element): """Adds an element to value of all the keys that can be reached from index with using get recursively. Args: dictionary : dict A dictionary of objects to list index The start point element What should be added to values """ queue = {index} seen_so_far = set() while queue: current_index = queue.pop() seen_so_far.add(current_index) dictionary[current_index].add(element) queue = queue.union(dictionary[current_index]) queue = queue.difference(seen_so_far)
[docs]def add_control(pedigree): """Adds control families to the pedigree table for testing. For each family that has two or more siblings and both parents, creates a 3 new familes, one has no parents, one with no mother and one with no father. gFID of these families are x+original_fid where x is "_o_", "_p_", "_m_" for these cases: no parent, only has father, only has mother. IIDs are the same in both families. Args: pedigree : pd.DataFrame A pedigree table with 'FID', 'IID', 'FATHER_ID', 'MOTHER_ID', 'has_father', 'has_mother'. Each row represents an individual. fids starting with "_" are reserved for control. Returns: pd.DataFrame A pedigree table with 'FID', 'IID', 'FATHER_ID', 'MOTHER_ID'. Each row represents an individual. For each family with both parents and more than one offspring, it has a control family(fids for control families start with '_') """ families_with_both_parents = pedigree[pedigree["has_father"] & pedigree["has_mother"]] count_of_sibs_in_fam = families_with_both_parents.groupby(["FID", "FATHER_ID", "MOTHER_ID"]).count().reset_index() FIDs_with_multiple_sibs = count_of_sibs_in_fam[count_of_sibs_in_fam["IID"] > 1][["FID"]] families_with_multiple_sibs = families_with_both_parents.merge(FIDs_with_multiple_sibs, on = "FID") families_with_multiple_sibs["FID"] = "_o_" + families_with_multiple_sibs["FID"].astype(str) families_with_multiple_sibs["MOTHER_ID"] = families_with_multiple_sibs["FID"].astype(str) + "_M" families_with_multiple_sibs["FATHER_ID"] = families_with_multiple_sibs["FID"].astype(str) + "_P" families_with_multiple_sibs["has_father"] = False families_with_multiple_sibs["has_mother"] = False keep_mother = families_with_both_parents.copy() keep_mother["FID"] = "_m_" + keep_mother["FID"].astype(str) keep_mother["FATHER_ID"] = keep_mother["FID"].astype(str) + "_P" keep_mother["has_father"] = False keep_mother["has_mother"] = True keep_father = families_with_both_parents.copy() keep_father["FID"] = "_p_" + keep_father["FID"].astype(str) keep_father["MOTHER_ID"] = keep_father["FID"].astype(str) + "_M" keep_father["has_father"] = True keep_father["has_mother"] = False pedigree = pedigree.append(families_with_multiple_sibs).append(keep_father).append(keep_mother) return pedigree
#TODO raise error if file is multi chrom
[docs]def preprocess_king(ibd, segs, bim, chromosomes, sibships): """Converts the ibds in king format to ibds in snipar format King format only saves ibd1 and ibd2s in the ibd file. The rest is ibd0 only if present in the segs file. This function finds the ibd0 sections and appends to the ibd data structure. Args: ibd: pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame with columns including ["ID1", "ID2", "IBDType", "Chr", "StartSNP", "StopSNP"] where IDs are individual IIDs. segs: pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame with columns including ["Segment", "Chr", "StartSNP", "StopSNP"] bim: pd.DataFrame A dataframe with these columns(dtype str) including: Chr id coordinate chromosomes: list list of chromosome numbers sibships: pandas.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame with columns ['FID', 'FATHER_ID', 'MOTHER_ID', 'IID', 'has_father', 'has_mother', 'single_parent'] where IID columns is a list of the IIDs of individuals in that family. It only contains families that have more than one child or only one parent. Returns: (str, str) -> list A dictionary where the keys are pairs of individual ids and the values are IBD segments. The list is flattened as has information about successive ibd segments meaning it's like [start0, end0, ibd_status0, start1, end1, ibd_status1, ...] """ ibd["Chr"] = ibd["Chr"].astype(int) segs["Chr"] = segs["Chr"].astype(int) chromosomes = [int(x) for x in chromosomes] if len(chromosomes)>1: ibd = ibd[ibd["Chr"].isin(chromosomes)][["ID1", "ID2", "IBDType", "StartSNP", "StopSNP"]] else: ibd = ibd[ibd["Chr"]==chromosomes[0]][["ID1", "ID2", "IBDType", "StartSNP", "StopSNP"]] #TODO cancel or generalize this if set(ibd["IBDType"].unique().tolist()) == {"IBD1", "IBD2"}: ibd["IBDType"] = ibd["IBDType"].apply(lambda x: 2 if x=="IBD2" else 1) ibd["IBDType"] = ibd["IBDType"].astype(int) temp = bim[["id", "coordinate"]].rename(columns = {"id":"StartSNP","coordinate":"StartSNPLoc"}) ibd= ibd.merge(temp, on="StartSNP") temp = bim[["id", "coordinate"]].rename(columns = {"id":"StopSNP","coordinate":"StopSNPLoc"}) ibd = ibd.merge(temp, on="StopSNP") ibd['segment'] = ibd[['StartSNPLoc', 'StopSNPLoc', "IBDType"]].values.tolist() ibd = ibd.groupby(["ID1", "ID2"]).agg({'segment':sorted}).reset_index() if len(chromosomes)>1: segs = segs[segs["Chr"].isin(chromosomes)][["StartSNP", "StopSNP"]] else: segs = segs[segs["Chr"]==chromosomes[0]][["StartSNP", "StopSNP"]] temp = bim[["id", "coordinate"]].rename(columns = {"id":"StartSNP","coordinate":"StartSNPLoc"}) segs= segs.merge(temp, on="StartSNP") temp = bim[["id", "coordinate"]].rename(columns = {"id":"StopSNP","coordinate":"StopSNPLoc"}) segs = segs.merge(temp, on="StopSNP") segs = segs[['StartSNPLoc', 'StopSNPLoc']].sort_values('StartSNPLoc').values.tolist() flatten_seg_as_ibd0 = [] for l in segs: flatten_seg_as_ibd0 = flatten_seg_as_ibd0 + l + [0] #TODO does this work with multichromosome in the ibd file? it won't work if snplocs are indexed from zero in each snp all_ibd_segs = [] for index, row in ibd.iterrows(): id1, id2, segments = row["ID1"], row["ID2"], row["segment"] seg_counter = 0 row_ibd0 = [] start, end = segs[seg_counter] prev_end = start for seg_start, seg_end, ibd_type in segments: while seg_start>end: if prev_end<end: row_ibd0.append([prev_end, end, 0]) if (seg_counter+1) < len(segs): seg_counter+=1 start, end = segs[seg_counter] prev_end = start else: raise Exception("this segments starts after all meaningfull segments") if seg_start<start: raise Exception("segment starts sooner than it should") if seg_start>prev_end: row_ibd0.append([prev_end, seg_start, 0]) if seg_end>end: raise Exception("segment ends outside where it should have") prev_end=seg_end if prev_end<end: row_ibd0.append([prev_end, end, 0]) row_ibd0 = row_ibd0 + [[start, end, 0] for start, end in segs[seg_counter+1:]] row_ibd = segments+row_ibd0 row_ibd = sorted(row_ibd, key=lambda x:x[0]) flatten_row_ibd = [] for l in row_ibd: for el in l: flatten_row_ibd.append(el) all_ibd_segs.append(flatten_row_ibd) ibd["segment"] = pd.Series(all_ibd_segs) ibd_dict = ibd.set_index(["ID1", "ID2"]).to_dict()["segment"] for index, row in sibships.iterrows(): sibs = row["IID"] nsibs = len(sibs) if nsibs > 1: for i in range(1, nsibs): for j in range(0, i): sib1 = sibs[i].decode() sib2 = sibs[j].decode() if not((sib1, sib2) in ibd_dict or (sib2, sib1) in ibd_dict): ibd_dict[(sib1, sib2)] = flatten_seg_as_ibd0 return ibd_dict
[docs]def prepare_data(pedigree, phased_address, unphased_address, ibd_address, ibd_is_king, bim_address = None, fam_address = None, control = False, chromosome = None, pedigree_nan = '0'): """Processes the non_gts required data for the imputation and returns it. Outputs for used for the imputation have ascii bytes instead of strings. Args: pedigree : pd.DataFrame The pedigree table. It contains 'FID', 'IID', 'FATHER_ID' and, 'MOTHER_ID' columns. phased_address : str Address of the phased bgen file (does not inlude '.bgen'). Only one of unphased_address and phased_address is neccessary. unphased_address : str Address of the bed file (does not inlude '.bed'). Only one of unphased_address and phased_address is neccessary. ibd_address : str address of the ibd file. The king segments file should be accompanied with an allsegs file. ibd_is_king : boolean Whether the ibd segments are in king format or snipar format. bim_address : str, optional Address of the bim file if it's different from the address of the bed file. Does not include '.bim'. fam_address : str, optional Address of the fam file if it's different from the address of the bed file. Does not include '.fam'. control : boolean, optional If True, adds control families to the pedigree table for testing using snipar.imputation.preprocess_data.add_control. chromosome: str, optional Number of the chromosome that's going to be loaded. pedigree_nan: str, optional Value that's considered nan in the pedigree. The default is '0' Returns: tuple(pandas.Dataframe, dict, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Dataframe, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) Returns the data required for the imputation. This data is a tuple of multiple objects. sibships: pandas.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame with columns ['FID', 'FATHER_ID', 'MOTHER_ID', 'IID', 'has_father', 'has_mother', 'single_parent'] where IID columns is a list of the IIDs of individuals in that family. It only contains families that have more than one child or only one parent. ibd: pandas.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame with columns "ID1", "ID2", 'segment'. The segments column is a list of IBD segments between ID1 and ID2. Each segment consists of a start, an end, and an IBD status. The segment list is flattened meaning it's like [start0, end0, ibd_status0, start1, end1, ibd_status1, ...] bim: pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with these columns(dtype str): Chr id morgans coordinate allele1 allele2 chromosomes: str A string containing all the chromosomes present in the data. ped_ids: set Set of ids of individuals with missing parents. pedigree_output: np.array Pedigree with added parental status. """"For file "+str(phased_address)+";"+str(unphased_address)+": Finding which chromosomes") if unphased_address: if bim_address is None: bim_address = unphased_address+'.bim' bim = pd.read_csv(bim_address, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=["Chr", "id", "morgans", "coordinate", "allele1", "allele2"]) if fam_address is None: fam_address = unphased_address+'.fam' fam = pd.read_csv(fam_address, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=["FID", "IID", "PID", "MID", "SEX", "Phen"]) else: if bim_address is None: bim_address = phased_address+'.bgen' if fam_address is None: fam_address = phased_address+'.bgen' bgen = read_bgen(bim_address, verbose=False) bim = bgen["variants"].compute().rename(columns={"chrom":"Chr", "pos":"coordinate"}) #TODO this line should be replaced bim["id"]=bim["rsid"] if chromosome is None: raise Exception("chromosome should be specified when using phased data") bim["Chr"] = chromosome bgen = read_bgen(bim_address, verbose=False) bim = bgen["variants"].compute().rename(columns={"chrom":"Chr", "pos":"coordinate"}) #TODO this line should be replaced bim["id"]=bim["rsid"] if chromosome is None: raise Exception("chromosome should be specified when using phased data") bim["Chr"] = chromosome fam = pd.DataFrame({"IID":read_bgen(fam_address)["samples"]}) chromosomes = bim["Chr"].unique().astype(int)"with chromosomes {chromosomes} initializing non_gts data")"with chromosomes {chromosomes} loading and filtering pedigree file ...") #Keep individuals in fam pedigree = pedigree[pedigree["IID"].isin(fam["IID"].astype(str))].copy() pedigree["has_father"] = pedigree["FATHER_ID"].isin(fam["IID"].astype(str)) pedigree["has_mother"] = pedigree["MOTHER_ID"].isin(fam["IID"].astype(str)) if control:"Adding control to the pedigree ...") pedigree = add_control(pedigree)"Control Added.") #keeping individuals with no parents no_parent_pedigree = pedigree[~(pedigree["has_mother"] & pedigree["has_father"])] #removing individual whose parents are nan no_parent_pedigree = no_parent_pedigree[(no_parent_pedigree["MOTHER_ID"] != pedigree_nan) & (no_parent_pedigree["FATHER_ID"] != pedigree_nan)] no_parent_pedigree[["FID", "IID", "FATHER_ID", "MOTHER_ID"]] = no_parent_pedigree[["FID", "IID", "FATHER_ID", "MOTHER_ID"]].astype("S") ped_ids = set(no_parent_pedigree["IID"].tolist()) #finding siblings in each family sibships = no_parent_pedigree.groupby(["FID", "FATHER_ID", "MOTHER_ID", "has_father", "has_mother"]).agg({'IID':lambda x: list(x)}).reset_index() sibships["sib_count"] = sibships["IID"].apply(len) sibships["single_parent"] = sibships["has_father"] ^ sibships["has_mother"] sibships = sibships[(sibships["sib_count"]>1) | sibships["single_parent"]] fids = set([i for i in sibships["FID"].values.tolist() if i.startswith(b"_")])"with chromosomes {chromosomes} loading bim file ...")"with chromosomes {chromosomes} loading and transforming ibd file ...") if ibd_address is None:"with chromosomes {chromosomes} making an empty ibd dataframe") if (sibships["sib_count"]>1).any(): raise Exception("Should provide ibd file in the presense of families with multiple sibs") ibd = {} else: ibd = pd.read_csv(f"{ibd_address}.segments.gz", delim_whitespace=True).astype(str) if ibd_is_king: king_segs = pd.read_csv(f"{ibd_address}allsegs.txt", delim_whitespace=True).astype(str) if not {"ID1", "ID2", "IBDType", "Chr", "StartSNP", "StopSNP",}.issubset(set(ibd.columns.values.tolist())): raise Exception("Invalid ibd columns for king formatted ibd. Columns must include: ID1, ID2, IBDType, Chr, StartSNP, StopSNP") ibd = preprocess_king(ibd, king_segs, bim, chromosomes, sibships) else: if not {"ID1", "ID2", "IBDType", "Chr", "start_coordinate", "stop_coordinate",}.issubset(set(ibd.columns.values.tolist())): raise Exception("Invalid ibd columns for snipar formatted ibd. Columns must be include: ID1, ID2, IBDType, Chr, start_coordinate, stop_coordinate") ibd = ibd.astype(str) ibd[["IBDType", "start_coordinate", "stop_coordinate"]] = ibd[["IBDType", "start_coordinate", "stop_coordinate"]].astype(int) #Adding location of start and end of each chromosomes = chromosomes.astype(str) if len(chromosomes)>1: ibd = ibd[ibd["Chr"].isin(chromosomes)] else: ibd = ibd[ibd["Chr"]==chromosomes[0]] #TODO cancel or generalize this ibd['segment'] = ibd[['start_coordinate', 'stop_coordinate', "IBDType"]].values.tolist() def create_seg_list(x): elements = list(x) result = [] for el in elements: result = result+el return result ibd = ibd.groupby(["ID1", "ID2"]).agg({'segment':lambda x:create_seg_list(x)}).to_dict()["segment"] if not ibd: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes} no matching ibd segments")"ibd loaded.")"with chromosomes {chromosomes} initializing non_gts data done ...") pedigree[["FID", "IID", "FATHER_ID", "MOTHER_ID"]] = pedigree[["FID", "IID", "FATHER_ID", "MOTHER_ID"]].astype(str) pedigree_output = np.concatenate(([pedigree.columns.values.tolist()], pedigree.values)).astype('S') return sibships, ibd, bim, chromosomes, ped_ids, pedigree_output
[docs]def compute_aics(unphased_gts, pc_scores, linear=True, sample_size = 1000): """Akaike information criterion of linear regressions with increasing number of PCs. Returns the number of PCs that minimizes aic. Args: unphased_gts: np.array[signed char] A two-dimensional array containing genotypes for all individuals and SNPs respectively. pc_scores: np.array[float] A two-dimensional array containing pc scores for all individuals and SNPs respectively. linear : bool, optional Whether the model is linear regression or not. GLM is not implemented yet. Default is true. sample_size : int, optional number of snps to use for computing aics. aics from these snps are averaged. default is 1000. Returns: int: optimal number of PCs to use """ if linear: pop_size = unphased_gts.shape[0] nsnps = unphased_gts.shape[1] if nsnps < sample_size: sample_size = nsnps individual_mask = np.random.permutation([True]*sample_size+[False]*(nsnps-sample_size)) unphased_gts = unphased_gts[:, individual_mask] unphased_pc_gts = unphased_gts.copy().astype(np.float) unphased_pc_gts[unphased_gts==nan_integer]=0. number_of_pcs = pc_scores.shape[1] x = np.hstack((np.ones((pop_size, 1)), pc_scores)) aic = []"computing aics ...") for i in tqdm(range(1,number_of_pcs+2)): coefs, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(x[:, :i], unphased_pc_gts/2) fs = x[:, :i]@coefs std = np.sqrt(np.var(unphased_pc_gts.flatten()/2)-np.var(fs.flatten())) fs[fs>1] = 1 fs[fs<0] = 0 log_likelihoods = np.sum(np.log(norm.pdf(unphased_pc_gts/2-fs, 0, std)), axis=0, dtype=np.float64) log_likelihood = np.mean(log_likelihoods, dtype=np.float64) aic.append(2*(i-log_likelihood))"computing aics done") return np.argmin(aic) raise Exception("not implemented yet")
[docs]def estimate_f(unphased_gts, pc_scores, linear=True): """Estimates MAF with an ols or glm from by regressing unphased_gts on pc_scores Args: unphased_gts: np.array[signed char] A two-dimensional array containing genotypes for all individuals and SNPs respectively. pc_scores: np.array[float] A two-dimensional array containing pc scores for all individuals and SNPs respectively. linear, bool, optional Whether the model is linear regression or not. Default is true. Returns: np.array[float], dict A two-dimensional array containing estimated fs for all individuals and SNPs respectively and a dictionary containing information about the model. These include ['x', 'coefs', 'TSS', 'RSS1', 'RSS2', 'R2_1', 'R2_2', 'larger1', 'less0']. """ pop_size = unphased_gts.shape[0] nsnps = unphased_gts.shape[1] unphased_pc_gts = unphased_gts.copy().astype(np.float) unphased_pc_gts[unphased_gts==nan_integer] = 0. x = np.hstack((pc_scores, np.ones((pop_size, 1)))) data = {} if linear: y = unphased_pc_gts/2 coefs, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(x, y) fs = x@coefs residuals1 = y-fs larger1 = np.sum(fs>1., axis=0)/pop_size less0 = np.sum(fs<0., axis=0)/pop_size fs[fs>1] = 1 fs[fs<0] = 0 residuals2 = y-fs TSS = np.sum(y*y, axis=0) RSS1 = np.sum(residuals1*residuals1, axis=0) RSS2 = np.sum(residuals2*residuals2, axis=0) data["x"] = x data["coefs"] = coefs data["TSS"] = TSS data["RSS1"] = RSS1 data["RSS2"] = RSS2 data["R2_1"] = 1-(RSS1/TSS) data["R2_2"] = 1-(RSS2/TSS) data["larger1"] = larger1 data["less0"] = less0 else: models = [] model_results = [] fs = unphased_pc_gts.copy() for i in tqdm(range(nsnps)): y = np.zeros((pop_size,2)) y[:,0] = unphased_pc_gts[:,i] y[:,1] = 2-unphased_pc_gts[:,i] binom_model = sm.GLM(y, x, family=sm.families.Binomial()) binom_result = models.append(binom_model) model_results.append(binom_result) fs[:,i] = binom_result.predict(x) return fs, data
[docs]def prepare_gts(phased_address, unphased_address, bim, pedigree_output, ped_ids, chromosomes, start=None, end=None, pcs=None, pc_ids=None, find_optimal_pc=None): """ Processes the gts required data for the imputation and returns it. Outputs for used for the imputation have ascii bytes instead of strings. Args: phased_address : str Address of the phased bgen file (does not inlude '.bgen'). Only one of unphased_address and phased_address is neccessary. unphased_address : str Address of the bed file (does not inlude '.bed'). Only one of unphased_address and phased_address is neccessary. bim: pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with these columns(dtype str): Chr id morgans coordinate allele1 allele2 pedigree_output: np.array Pedigree with added parental status. ped_ids: set Set of ids of individuals with missing parents. chromosomes: str A string containing all the chromosomes present in the data. start : int, optional This function can be used for preparing a slice of a chromosome. This is the location of the start of the slice. end : int, optional This function can be used for preparing a slice of a chromosome. This is the location of the end of the slice. pcs : np.array[float], optional A two-dimensional array containing pc scores for all individuals and SNPs respectively. pc_ids : set, optional Set of ids of individuals in the pcs. find_optimal_pc : bool, optional It will use Akaike information criterion to find the optimal number of PCs to use for MAF estimation. Returns: tuple(np.array[signed char], np.array[signed char], str->int, np.array[int], np.array[float], dict) phased_gts: np.array[signed char], optional A three-dimensional array containing genotypes for all individuals, SNPs and, haplotypes respectively. unphased_gts: np.array[signed char] A two-dimensional array containing genotypes for all individuals and SNPs respectively. iid_to_bed_index: str->int A str->int dictionary mapping IIDs of people to their location in bed file. pos: np.array[int] A numpy array with the position of each SNP in the order of appearance in gts. practical_f: np.array[float] A two-dimensional array containing estimated fs for all individuals and SNPs respectively. hdf5_output_dict: dict A dictionary whose values will be written in the imputation output under its keys. It contains: 'bim_columns' : Columns of the resulting bim file 'bim_values' : Contents of the resulting bim file 'pedigree' : pedigree table Its columns are has_father, has_mother, single_parent respectively. 'non_duplicates' : Indexes of the unique snps. Imputation is restricted to them. 'standard_f' : Whether the allele frequencies are just population average instead of MAFs estimated using PCs 'MAF_*' : info about the MAF estimator if MAF estimator is used. """"with chromosomes {chromosomes} initializing gts data with start={start} end={end}") phased_gts = None unphased_gts = None unphased_pc_gts = None if unphased_address: bim_as_csv = pd.read_csv(unphased_address+".bim", delim_whitespace=True, header=None) gts_f = Bed(unphased_address+".bed",count_A1 = True, sid=bim_as_csv[1].values.tolist())"with chromosomes {chromosomes} opened unphased file ...") if not pc_ids is None: ids_in_ped_pc = [(id in ped_ids) and (id in pc_ids) for id in gts_f.iid[:,1].astype("S")] else: ids_in_ped_pc = [(id in ped_ids) for id in gts_f.iid[:,1].astype("S")]"with chromosomes {chromosomes} loaded ids ...") gts_ids = gts_f.iid[ids_in_ped_pc]"with chromosomes {chromosomes} restrict to ids ...") all_sids = bim_as_csv[1].values if end is not None: unphased_gts = gts_f[ids_in_ped_pc , start:end].read().val"with chromosomes {chromosomes} loaded genotypes ...") pos = gts_f.pos[start:end, 2]"with chromosomes {chromosomes} loaded pos ...") sid = all_sids[start:end]"with chromosomes {chromosomes} loaded sid ...") else: unphased_gts = gts_f[ids_in_ped_pc, :].read().val"with chromosomes {chromosomes} loaded genotypes ...") pos = gts_f.pos[:, 2]"with chromosomes {chromosomes} loaded pos ...") sid = all_sids"with chromosomes {chromosomes} loaded sid ...") if phased_address: bgen = open_bgen(phased_address+".bgen", verbose=False) if not pc_ids is None: ids_in_ped_pc = [(id in ped_ids) and (id in pc_ids) for id in bgen.samples.astype("S")] else: ids_in_ped_pc = [(id in ped_ids) for id in bgen.samples.astype("S")] gts_ids = np.array([[None, id] for id in bgen.samples]) gts_ids = gts_ids[ids_in_ped_pc] pos = np.array(bim["coordinate"][start: end]) all_sids = np.array(bim["id"]) sid = np.array(bim["id"][start: end]) pop_size = len(gts_ids) probs=, len(bgen.samples)),slice(start, end))) phased_gts = np.zeros((probs.shape[0], probs.shape[1], 2)) phased_gts[:] = np.nan phased_gts[probs[:,:,0] > 0.99, 0] = 1 phased_gts[probs[:,:,1] > 0.99, 0] = 0 phased_gts[probs[:,:,2] > 0.99, 1] = 1 phased_gts[probs[:,:,3] > 0.99, 1] = 0 phased_gts = phased_gts[ids_in_ped_pc,:] if not unphased_gts: unphased_gts = phased_gts[:,:,0]+phased_gts[:,:,1] if not pcs is None: set_gts_ids = set(gts_ids[:, 1].astype("S")) pc_ids_gts_ids = [id in set_gts_ids for id in pc_ids] pcs = pcs[pc_ids_gts_ids] _, indexes = np.unique(all_sids, return_index=True) indexes = np.sort(indexes) indexes = (indexes[(indexes>=start) & (indexes<end)]-start) sid = sid[indexes] pos = pos[indexes] unphased_gts = unphased_gts[:, indexes] if not phased_gts is None: phased_gts = phased_gts[:, indexes, :] pos = pos.astype(int) unphased_gts_greater2 = unphased_gts>2 num_unphased_gts_greater2 = np.sum(unphased_gts_greater2) if num_unphased_gts_greater2>0: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes}: unphased genotypes are greater than 2 in {num_unphased_gts_greater2} locations. Converted to NaN") unphased_gts[unphased_gts_greater2] = np.nan unphased_gts_less0 = unphased_gts<0 num_unphased_gts_less0 = np.sum(unphased_gts_less0) if num_unphased_gts_less0>0: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes}: unphased genotypes are less than 0 in {num_unphased_gts_less0} locations. Converted to NaN") unphased_gts[unphased_gts_less0] = np.nan if not phased_gts is None: phased_gts_less0 = phased_gts<0 num_phased_gts_less0 = np.sum(phased_gts_less0) if num_phased_gts_less0>0: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes}: phased genotypes are less than 0 in {num_phased_gts_less0} locations. Converted to NaN") phased_gts[phased_gts_less0] = np.nan phased_gts_greater1 = phased_gts>1 num_phased_gts_greater1 = np.sum(phased_gts_greater1) if num_phased_gts_greater1>0: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes}: phased genotypes are greater than 1 in {num_phased_gts_greater1} locations. Converted to NaN") phased_gts[phased_gts_greater1] = np.nan standard_f = np.nanmean(unphased_gts, axis=0, dtype=np.float64)/2.0 practical_f = unphased_gts.copy() practical_f[:] = standard_f #transforming genotypes into int8 unphased_gts[np.isnan(unphased_gts)] = nan_integer unphased_gts = unphased_gts.astype(np.int8) if not phased_gts is None: phased_gts[np.isnan(phased_gts)] = nan_integer phased_gts = phased_gts.astype(np.int8) iid_to_bed_index = {i.encode("ASCII"):index for index, i in enumerate(gts_ids[:,1])} selected_bim = bim.iloc[indexes+start, :] bim_values = selected_bim.to_numpy().astype('S') bim_columns = selected_bim.columns.to_numpy().astype('S')"with chromosomes {chromosomes} initializing non_gts data done") if unphased_gts.shape[0] == 0: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes}: 0 individuals in unphased genotypes") if unphased_gts.shape[1] == 0: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes}: 0 snps in unphased genotypes") if unphased_gts.max()>2 or unphased_gts.min()<0: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes}: unphased genotypes has values out of 0-2 range") if not phased_gts is None: if phased_gts.shape[0] == 0: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes}: 0 individuals in phased genotypes") if phased_gts.shape[1] == 0: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes}: 0 snps in phased genotypes") if phased_gts.max()>1 or phased_gts.min()<0: logging.warning(f"with chromosomes {chromosomes}: phased genotypes has values out of 0-1 range") #value types should be hdf5 compatible hdf5_output_dict = {"bim_columns":bim_columns, "bim_values":bim_values, "pedigree":pedigree_output, "non_duplicates":indexes, "standard_f":standard_f, } if not pcs is None:"estimating MAF using PCs ...") if find_optimal_pc:"finding optimal number of PCs using aic...") optimal_pc_num = compute_aics(unphased_gts, pcs, sample_size=1000)"optimal number of PCs is {optimal_pc_num}")"finding optimal number of PCs using aic done") practical_f, maf_estimator_data = estimate_f(unphased_gts, pcs[:, :optimal_pc_num]) else: practical_f, maf_estimator_data = estimate_f(unphased_gts, pcs) for key, val in maf_estimator_data.items(): hdf5_output_dict[f"maf_{key}"] = val"estimating MAF using PCs done") return phased_gts, unphased_gts, iid_to_bed_index, pos, practical_f, hdf5_output_dict