Source code for snipar.gwas

import h5py
import numpy as np
from pysnptools.snpreader import Bed
from scipy.stats import chi2
from math import log10
import as read
import snipar.lmm as lmm
from snipar.utilities import *
from numba import njit, prange
from snipar.preprocess import find_par_gts

[docs]def transform_phenotype(inv_root, y, fam_indices, null_mean = None): """ Transform phenotype based on inverse square root of phenotypic covariance matrix. If the null model included covariates, the fitted mean is removed rather than the overall mean """ # Mean normalise phenotype if null_mean is None: y = y - np.mean(y) else: y = y - null_mean # Transform by family for fam in fam_indices.keys(): famsize = fam_indices[fam].shape[0] if famsize == 1: y[fam_indices[fam]] = inv_root[1] * y[fam_indices[fam]] else: y[fam_indices[fam]] = inv_root[famsize].dot(y[fam_indices[fam]]) return y
[docs]@njit(parallel=True) def fit_models(y,G): alpha = np.zeros((G.shape[2],G.shape[1]),dtype=np.float_) alpha_cov = np.zeros((G.shape[2],G.shape[1],G.shape[1]),dtype=np.float_) for i in prange(G.shape[2]): not_na = np.sum(np.isnan(G[:,:,i]),axis=1)==0 xtx = G[not_na,:,i].T @ (G[not_na,:,i]) xty = G[not_na,:,i].T @ y[not_na] alpha[i,:] = np.linalg.solve(xtx,xty) alpha_cov[i,:,:] = np.linalg.inv(xtx) return alpha, alpha_cov
[docs]@njit(parallel=True) def compute_ses(alpha_cov): alpha_ses = np.zeros((alpha_cov.shape[0],alpha_cov.shape[1]),dtype=np.float_) for i in prange(alpha_cov.shape[0]): alpha_ses[i,:] = np.sqrt(np.diag(alpha_cov[i,:,:])) return alpha_ses
[docs]def write_output(chrom, snp_ids, pos, alleles, outfile, parsum, sib, alpha, alpha_ses, alpha_cov, sigma2, tau, freqs): """ Write fitted SNP effects and other parameters to output HDF5 file. """ print('Writing output to ' + outfile) outfile = h5py.File(outfile, 'w') outbim = np.column_stack((chrom,snp_ids,pos,alleles)) outfile['bim'] = encode_str_array(outbim) X_length = 1 outcols = ['direct'] if sib: X_length += 1 outcols.append('sib') if parsum: X_length += 1 outcols.append('avg_NTC') else: X_length += 2 outcols = outcols + ['paternal','maternal'] outfile.create_dataset('estimate_covariance', (snp_ids.shape[0], X_length, X_length), dtype='f', chunks=True, compression='gzip', compression_opts=9) outfile.create_dataset('estimate', (snp_ids.shape[0], X_length), dtype='f', chunks=True, compression='gzip', compression_opts=9) outfile.create_dataset('estimate_ses', (snp_ids.shape[0], X_length), dtype='f', chunks=True, compression='gzip', compression_opts=9) outfile['estimate'][:] = alpha outfile['estimate_cols'] = encode_str_array(np.array(outcols)) outfile['estimate_ses'][:] = alpha_ses outfile['estimate_covariance'][:] = alpha_cov outfile['sigma2'] = sigma2 outfile['tau'] = tau outfile['freqs'] = freqs outfile.close()
[docs]def outarray_effect(est, ses, freqs, vy): N_effective = vy/(2*freqs*(1-freqs)*np.power(ses,2)) Z = est/ses P = -log10(np.exp(1))*chi2.logsf(np.power(Z,2),1) array_out = np.column_stack((N_effective,est,ses,Z,P)) array_out = np.round(array_out, decimals=6) array_out[:,0] = np.round(array_out[:,0], 0) return array_out
[docs]def write_txt_output(chrom, snp_ids, pos, alleles, outfile, parsum, sib, alpha, alpha_cov, sigma2, tau, freqs): outbim = np.column_stack((chrom, snp_ids, pos, alleles,np.round(freqs,3))) header = ['chromosome','SNP','pos','A1','A2','freq'] # Which effects to estimate effects = ['direct'] if sib: effects.append('sib') if not parsum: effects += ['paternal','maternal'] effects += ['avg_NTC','population'] effects = np.array(effects) if not parsum: paternal_index = np.where(effects=='paternal')[0][0] maternal_index = np.where(effects=='maternal')[0][0] avg_NTC_index = np.where(effects=='avg_NTC')[0][0] population_index = avg_NTC_index+1 # Get transform matrix A = np.zeros((len(effects),alpha.shape[1])) A[0:alpha.shape[1],0:alpha.shape[1]] = np.identity(alpha.shape[1]) if not parsum: A[alpha.shape[1]:(alpha.shape[1]+2), :] = 0.5 A[alpha.shape[1], 0] = 0 A[alpha.shape[1]+1, 0] = 1 else: A[alpha.shape[1], :] = 1 # Transform effects alpha = alpha_ses_out = np.zeros((alpha.shape[0],A.shape[0])) corrs = ['r_direct_avg_NTC','r_direct_population'] if sib: corrs.append('r_direct_sib') if not parsum: corrs.append('r_paternal_maternal') ncor = len(corrs) alpha_corr_out = np.zeros((alpha.shape[0],ncor)) for i in range(alpha_cov.shape[0]): alpha_cov_i =[i,:,:].dot(A.T)) alpha_ses_out[i,:] = np.sqrt(np.diag(alpha_cov_i)) # Direct to average NTC alpha_corr_out[i,0] = alpha_cov_i[0,avg_NTC_index]/(alpha_ses_out[i,0]*alpha_ses_out[i,avg_NTC_index]) # Direct to population alpha_corr_out[i,1] = alpha_cov_i[0,population_index]/(alpha_ses_out[i,0]*alpha_ses_out[i,population_index]) # Direct to sib if sib: alpha_corr_out[i,2] = alpha_cov_i[0,1]/(alpha_ses_out[i,0]*alpha_ses_out[i,1]) # Paternal to maternal if not parsum: alpha_corr_out[i,ncor-1] = alpha_cov_i[paternal_index,maternal_index]/(alpha_ses_out[i,maternal_index]*alpha_ses_out[i,paternal_index]) # Create output array vy = (1+1/tau)*sigma2 outstack = [outbim] for i in range(len(effects)): outstack.append(outarray_effect(alpha[:,i],alpha_ses_out[:,i],freqs,vy)) header += [effects[i]+'_N',effects[i]+'_Beta',effects[i]+'_SE',effects[i]+'_Z',effects[i]+'_log10_P'] outstack.append(np.round(alpha_corr_out,6)) header += corrs # Output array outarray = np.row_stack((np.array(header),np.column_stack(outstack))) print('Writing text output to '+outfile) np.savetxt(outfile, outarray, fmt='%s')
[docs]def compute_batch_boundaries(snp_ids,batch_size): nsnp = snp_ids.shape[0] n_blocks = int(np.ceil(float(nsnp)/float(batch_size))) block_bounds = np.zeros((n_blocks,2),dtype=int) start = 0 for i in range(n_blocks-1): block_bounds[i,0] = start block_bounds[i,1] = start+batch_size start += batch_size block_bounds[n_blocks-1,:] = np.array([start,nsnp]) return block_bounds
[docs]def process_batch(y, pedigree, tau, sigma2, snp_ids=None, bedfile=None, bgenfile=None, par_gts_f=None, parsum=False, fit_sib=False, max_missing=5, min_maf=0.01, verbose=False, print_sample_info=False): ####### Construct family based genotype matrix ####### G = read.get_gts_matrix(ped=pedigree, bedfile=bedfile, bgenfile=bgenfile, par_gts_f=par_gts_f, snp_ids=snp_ids, ids=y.ids, parsum=parsum, sib=fit_sib, verbose=verbose, print_sample_info=print_sample_info) G.compute_freqs() #### Filter SNPs #### if verbose: print('Filtering based on MAF') G.filter_maf(min_maf) if verbose: print('Filtering based on missingness') G.filter_missingness(max_missing) if verbose: print(str(G.shape[2])+' SNPs that pass filters') #### Match phenotype #### y.filter_ids(G.ids) if G.ids.shape[0] > y.ids.shape[0]: G.filter_ids(y.ids) ##### Transform genotypes ###### if verbose: print('Transforming genotypes') null_model = lmm.model(y.gts[:,0], np.ones((y.shape[0], 1)), y.fams) L = null_model.sigma_inv_root(tau, sigma2) G.diagonalise(L) ### Fit models for SNPs ### if verbose: print('Estimating SNP effects') alpha, alpha_cov = fit_models(np.array(y.gts[:,0],dtype=np.float32),G.gts) alpha_ses = compute_ses(alpha_cov) return G.freqs, G.sid, alpha, alpha_cov, alpha_ses
[docs]def process_chromosome(chrom_out, y, pedigree, tau, sigma2, outprefix, bedfile=None, bgenfile=None, par_gts_f=None, fit_sib=False, parsum=False, max_missing=5, min_maf=0.01, batch_size=10000, no_hdf5_out=False, no_txt_out=False): ######## Check for bed/bgen ####### if bedfile is None and bgenfile is None: raise(ValueError('Must supply either bed or bgen file with observed genotypes')) if bedfile is not None and bgenfile is not None: raise(ValueError('Both --bed and --bgen specified. Please specify one only')) if bedfile is not None: bed = Bed(bedfile,count_A1 = True) gts_id_dict = make_id_dict(bed.iid,1) snp_ids = bed.sid pos = np.array(bed.pos[:,2],dtype=int) alleles = np.loadtxt(bedfile.split('.bed')[0]+'.bim',dtype=str,usecols=(4,5)) chrom = np.array(bed.pos[:,0],dtype=int) elif bgenfile is not None: bgen = open_bgen(bgenfile, verbose=False) gts_id_dict = make_id_dict(bgen.samples) snp_ids = bgen.ids # If SNP IDs are broken, try rsids if np.unique(snp_ids).shape[0] == 1: snp_ids = bgen.rsids pos = np.array(bgen.positions,dtype=int) alleles = np.array([x.split(',') for x in bgen.allele_ids]) chrom = np.array(bgen.chromosomes,dtype='U2') # If chromosomse unknown, set to chromosome inferred from filename chrom[[len(x)==0 for x in chrom]] = chrom_out # Check for observed parents if not using parsum if not parsum: par_status, gt_indices, fam_labels = find_par_gts(y.ids, pedigree, gts_id_dict) parcount = np.sum(par_status==0,axis=1) if np.sum(parcount>0)==0: print('No individuals with genotyped parents found. Using sum of imputed maternal and paternal genotypes to prevent collinearity.') parsum = True elif 100 > np.sum(parcount>0) > 0: print('Warning: low number of individuals with observed parental genotypes. Consider using the --parsum argument to prevent issues due to collinearity.') ####### Compute batches ####### print('Found '+str(snp_ids.shape[0])+' SNPs') # Remove duplicates unique_snps, counts = np.unique(snp_ids, return_counts=True) non_duplicate = set(unique_snps[counts==1]) if np.sum(counts>1)>0: print('Removing '+str(np.sum(counts>1))+' duplicate SNP ids') not_duplicated = np.array([x in non_duplicate for x in snp_ids]) snp_ids = snp_ids[not_duplicated] pos = pos[not_duplicated] chrom = chrom[not_duplicated] alleles = alleles[not_duplicated,:] snp_dict = make_id_dict(snp_ids) # Compute batches batch_bounds = compute_batch_boundaries(snp_ids,batch_size) if batch_bounds.shape[0] == 1: print('Using 1 batch') else: print('Using '+str(batch_bounds.shape[0])+' batches') alpha_dim = 2 if fit_sib: alpha_dim += 1 if not parsum: alpha_dim += 1 # Create output files alpha = np.zeros((snp_ids.shape[0],alpha_dim),dtype=np.float32) alpha[:] = np.nan alpha_cov = np.zeros((snp_ids.shape[0], alpha_dim, alpha_dim),dtype=np.float32) alpha_cov[:] = np.nan alpha_ses = np.zeros((snp_ids.shape[0],alpha_dim),dtype=np.float32) alpha_ses[:] = np.nan freqs = np.zeros((snp_ids.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) freqs[:] = np.nan ############## Process batches of SNPs ############## for i in range(0,batch_bounds.shape[0]): if i==0: print_sample_info = True verbose = True else: print_sample_info = False verbose = False batch_freqs, batch_snps, batch_alpha, batch_alpha_cov, batch_alpha_ses = process_batch(y, pedigree, tau, sigma2, snp_ids=snp_ids[batch_bounds[i, 0]:batch_bounds[i, 1]], bedfile=bedfile, bgenfile=bgenfile, par_gts_f = par_gts_f, parsum=parsum, fit_sib=fit_sib, max_missing=max_missing, min_maf=min_maf, print_sample_info=print_sample_info, verbose=verbose) # Fill in fitted SNPs if len(batch_snps) == 0: print('Done batch '+str(i+1)+' out of '+str(batch_bounds.shape[0])) continue batch_indices = np.array([snp_dict[x] for x in batch_snps]) alpha[batch_indices, :] = batch_alpha alpha_cov[batch_indices, :, :] = batch_alpha_cov alpha_ses[batch_indices, :] = batch_alpha_ses freqs[batch_indices] = batch_freqs print('Done batch '+str(i+1)+' out of '+str(batch_bounds.shape[0])) ######## Save output ######### if not no_hdf5_out: if chrom_out==0: hdf5_outfile = outfile_name(outprefix, '.sumstats.hdf5') else: hdf5_outfile = outfile_name(outprefix, '.sumstats.hdf5', chrom=chrom_out) write_output(chrom, snp_ids, pos, alleles, hdf5_outfile, parsum, fit_sib, alpha, alpha_ses, alpha_cov, sigma2, tau, freqs) if not no_txt_out: if chrom_out==0: txt_outfile = outfile_name(outprefix, '.sumstats.gz') else: txt_outfile = outfile_name(outprefix, '.sumstats.gz', chrom=chrom_out) write_txt_output(chrom, snp_ids, pos, alleles, txt_outfile, parsum, fit_sib, alpha, alpha_cov, sigma2, tau, freqs)