Source code for snipar.gtarray

import numpy as np
import as ma
from snipar.utilities import make_id_dict

[docs]class gtarray(object): """Define a genotype or PGS array that stores individual IDs, family IDs, and SNP information. Args: garray : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` 2 or 3 dimensional numpy array of genotypes/PGS values. First dimension is individuals. For a 2 dimensional array, the second dimension is SNPs or PGS values. For a 3 dimensional array, the second dimension indexes the individual and his/her relatives' genotypes (for example: proband, paternal, and maternal); and the third dimension is the SNPs. ids : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` vector of individual IDs of same length as first dimension of garray sid : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` vector of SNP ids, equal in length, L, to last dimension of array alleles : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` [L x 2] matrix of ref and alt alleles for the SNPs. L must match size of sid pos : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` vector of SNP positions; must match size of sid chrom : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` vector of SNP chromosomes; must match size of sid map : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` vector of SNP chromosomes; must match size of sid fams : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` vector of family IDs; must match size of ids par_status : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array' [N x 2] numpy matrix that records whether parents have observed or imputed genotypes/PGS, where N matches size of ids. The first column is for the father of that individual; the second column is for the mother of that individual. If the parent is neither observed nor imputed, the value is -1; if observed, 0; and if imputed, 1. Returns: G : :class:`snipar.gtarray` """ def __init__(self, garray, ids, sid=None, alleles=None, pos=None, chrom=None, map=None, error_probs=None, fams=None, par_status=None, ped=None): if type(garray) == np.ndarray or type(garray) == if type(garray) == np.ndarray: self.gts = ma.array(garray,mask=np.isnan(garray)) else: self.gts = garray self.shape = garray.shape self.ndim = garray.ndim self.dtype = garray.dtype self.freqs = None else: raise ValueError('Genotypes must be a numpy ndarray') if garray.shape[0] == ids.shape[0]: self.ids = ids self.id_dict = make_id_dict(ids) else: raise ValueError('Shape of genotypes and ids does not match') if sid is not None: if sid.shape[0] == garray.shape[1]: self.snp_index = 1 self.sid = sid self.sid_dict = make_id_dict(sid) elif sid.shape[0] == garray.shape[2]: self.snp_index = 2 self.sid = sid self.sid_dict = make_id_dict(sid) else: raise ValueError('Shape of SNP ids (sid) does not match shape of genotype array') if alleles is not None: if self.sid is not None: if alleles.shape[0] == self.sid.shape[0]: self.alleles = alleles else: raise ValueError('Size of alleles does not match size of genotypes') else: raise(ValueError('Must provide SNP ids')) else: self.alleles = None if pos is not None: if self.sid is not None: if pos.shape[0] == self.sid.shape[0]: self.pos = pos else: raise ValueError('Size of position vector does not match size of genotypes') else: raise(ValueError('Must provide SNP ids')) else: self.pos = None if chrom is not None: if self.sid is not None: if chrom.shape[0] == self.sid.shape[0]: self.chrom = chrom else: raise ValueError('Size of map does not match number of SNPs') else: raise(ValueError('Must provide SNP ids')) else: self.chrom = None if map is not None: if self.sid is not None: if map.shape[0] == self.sid.shape[0]: = map else: raise ValueError('Size of map does not match number of SNPs') else: raise(ValueError('Must provide SNP ids')) else: = None if error_probs is not None: if self.sid is not None: if error_probs.shape[0] == self.sid.shape[0]: self.error_probs = error_probs else: raise ValueError('Size of map does not match number of SNPs') else: raise(ValueError('Must provide SNP ids')) else: self.error_probs = None if fams is not None: if fams.shape[0] == ids.shape[0] and fams.ndim==1: self.fams = fams else: raise ValueError('Fams not of same length as IDs') else: self.fams = None if par_status is not None: if par_status.shape[0] == ids.shape[0] and par_status.shape[1] == 2: self.par_status = par_status else: raise ValueError('Incompatible par status array') else: self.par_status = None if ped is not None: self.ped = ped else: self.ped = None self.mean_normalised = False if np.sum(self.gts.mask)>0: self.has_NAs = True else: self.has_NAs = False = None
[docs] def compute_freqs(self): """ Computes the frequencies of the SNPs. Stored in self.freqs. """ if self.ndim == 2: self.freqs = ma.mean(self.gts,axis=0)/2.0 elif self.ndim == 3: self.freqs = ma.mean(self.gts[:,0,:], axis=0) / 2.0
[docs] def filter(self, filter_pass): if self.freqs is not None: self.freqs = self.freqs[filter_pass] if self.ndim == 2: self.gts = self.gts[:,filter_pass] elif self.ndim == 3: self.gts = self.gts[:,:,filter_pass] self.shape = self.gts.shape if self.sid is not None: self.sid = self.sid[filter_pass] self.sid_dict = make_id_dict(self.sid) if self.pos is not None: self.pos = self.pos[filter_pass] if self.alleles is not None: self.alleles = self.alleles[filter_pass] if self.chrom is not None: self.chrom = self.chrom[filter_pass] if is not None: =[filter_pass] if self.error_probs is not None: self.error_probs = self.error_probs[filter_pass]
[docs] def filter_maf(self, min_maf = 0.01, verbose=False): """ Filter SNPs based on having minor allele frequency (MAF) greater than min_maf, and have % missing observations less than max_missing. """ if self.freqs is None: self.compute_freqs() freqs_pass = np.logical_and(self.freqs > min_maf, self.freqs < (1 - min_maf)) if verbose: print(str(self.freqs.shape[0] - np.sum(freqs_pass)) + ' SNPs with MAF<' + str(min_maf)) self.filter(freqs_pass)
[docs] def filter_missingness(self, max_missing = 5, verbose=False): if self.ndim == 2: missingness = ma.mean(self.gts.mask,axis=0) elif self.ndim == 3: missingness = ma.mean(self.gts.mask,axis = (0,1)) missingness_pass = 100 * missingness < max_missing if verbose: print(str(self.freqs.shape[0] - np.sum(missingness_pass)) + ' SNPs with missingness >' + str(max_missing) + '%') self.filter(missingness_pass)
[docs] def compute_info(self): if self.freqs is None: self.compute_freqs() if self.ndim == 2: self.variances = np.var(self.gts, axis=0) elif self.ndim==3: self.variances = np.var(self.gts[:,0,:], axis=0) = self.variances/(2.0*self.freqs*(1-self.freqs))
[docs] def filter_info(self, min_info = 0.99, verbose=False): if is None: self.compute_info() info_pass = > min_info if verbose: print(str([0] - np.sum(info_pass)) + ' SNPs with INFO <' + str(min_info)) self.filter(info_pass)
[docs] def filter_ids(self,keep_ids, verbose=False): """ Keep only individuals with ids given by keep_ids """ in_ids = np.array([x in self.id_dict for x in keep_ids]) n_filtered = np.sum(in_ids) if n_filtered==0: raise(ValueError('No individuals would be left after filtering')) else: if verbose: print('After filtering, '+str(n_filtered)+' individuals remain') indices = np.array([self.id_dict[x] for x in keep_ids[in_ids]]) if self.ndim == 2: self.gts = self.gts[indices, :] elif self.ndim == 3: self.gts = self.gts[indices, :, :] self.ids = self.ids[indices] self.id_dict = make_id_dict(self.ids) self.shape = self.gts.shape if self.fams is not None: self.fams = self.fams[indices] if self.par_status is not None: self.par_status = self.par_status[indices, :]
[docs] def mean_normalise(self): """ This normalises the SNPs/PGS columns to have mean-zero. """ if not self.mean_normalised: if self.gts.ndim == 2: self.gts = self.gts - ma.mean(self.gts,axis=0) elif self.gts.ndim==3: for i in range(0, self.gts.shape[1]): self.gts[:, i, :] = self.gts[:, i, :] - ma.mean(self.gts[:, i, :], axis=0) self.mean_normalised = True
[docs] def scale(self): """ This normalises the SNPs/PGS columns to have variance 1. """ if self.gts.ndim == 2: self.gts = self.gts/ma.std(self.gts, axis=0) elif self.gts.ndim == 3: for i in range(0, self.gts.shape[1]): self.gts[:, i, :] = self.gts[:, i, :]/ma.std(self.gts[:, i, :], axis=0)
[docs] def fill_NAs(self): """ This normalises the SNP columns to have mean-zero, then fills in NA values with zero. """ if not self.mean_normalised: self.mean_normalise() NAs = np.sum(self.gts.mask, axis=0) self.gts[self.gts.mask] = 0 self.gts.mask = False self.has_NAs = False return NAs
[docs] def add(self,garray): """ Adds another gtarray of the same dimension to this array and returns the sum. It matches IDs before summing. """ if type(garray)==gtarray: pass else: raise ValueError('Must add to another gtarray') if not self.gts.ndim == garray.gts.ndim: raise ValueError('Arrays must have same number of dimensions') if self.gts.ndim == 2: if not self.gts.shape[1] == garray.gts.shape[1]: raise ValueError('Arrays must have same dimensions (apart from first)') if self.gts.ndim == 3: if not self.gts.shape[1:3] == garray.gts.shape[1:3]: raise ValueError('Arrays must have same dimensions (apart from first)') # Match IDs common_ids = list(self.id_dict.keys() & garray.id_dict.keys()) if len(common_ids) == 0: raise ValueError('No IDs in common') self_index = np.array([self.id_dict[x] for x in common_ids]) other_index = np.array([garray.id_dict[x] for x in common_ids]) # Out if self.ids.ndim == 1: ids_out = self.ids[self_index] else: ids_out = self.ids[self_index, :] if self.gts.ndim ==2: add_gts = self.gts[self_index, :]+garray.gts[other_index, :] else: add_gts = self.gts[self_index, :, :] + garray.gts[other_index, :, :] if self.ped is None: ped = garray.ped else: ped = self.ped return gtarray(add_gts, ids_out, self.sid, alleles=self.alleles, fams=self.fams[self_index], par_status=self.par_status[self_index,:], ped=ped)
[docs] def diagonalise(self,inv_root): """ This will transform the genotype array based on the inverse square root of the phenotypic covariance matrix from the family based linear mixed model. """ if self.fams is None: raise(ValueError('Family labels needed for diagonalization')) if not self.mean_normalised: self.mean_normalise() unique_fams, famsizes = np.unique(self.fams, return_counts = True) fam_indices = dict() # Transform for fam in unique_fams: fam_indices[fam] = np.where(self.fams == fam)[0] famsize = fam_indices[fam].shape[0] if self.ndim == 2: if famsize == 1: self.gts[fam_indices[fam], :] = inv_root[1]*self.gts[fam_indices[fam],:] else: self.gts[fam_indices[fam],:] = inv_root[famsize].dot(self.gts[fam_indices[fam],:]) elif self.ndim == 3: if famsize == 1: self.gts[fam_indices[fam], : , :] = inv_root[1]*self.gts[fam_indices[fam], : , :] else: for j in range(self.shape[1]): self.gts[fam_indices[fam],j, :] = inv_root[famsize].dot(self.gts[fam_indices[fam],j, :]) self.fam_indices = fam_indices